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RE: What ?? I Bought A Cheap Rug Without Looking At The Details

in #humor2 years ago

I might toss it in the trash! Unknown fibers? Flammable? Yes. Definitely. That.


By now.... those are my thoughts exactly. Why would anyone even sell such a thing? (Why would anyone buy such a thing???.... oops !) LOL

Haha! Well, sometimes a weak moment on my part. Hungry, thirsty, or just bored may bring me to a place I don't need to be. :)

Especially hungry.

Because I like certain carpets, usually the Aubusson type, the go-to place is like a TJ MAXX or Marshall's, Tuesday Mornings, or even an occasional Ross. I do like Dollar General for cleaning agents though.

Now, I have to as you, why would anyone buy such a thing?? LOL

Toss it!

Who knew there was such a thing as 100% unknown fibers?? How could anyone put out a product with that. How could regulations (if there were any) let that be acceptable? You know if they won't tell you what it's made of, it can't be good!

It's no doubt I should have read the tag, but my arms were full and I was carefully balancing things just to pick it up on that stoopid whim...ha ha.... won't happen again as long as I have any brains left. I wouldn't have guessed in a hunnert years if you had asked me to make up the most ridiculous thing a rug tag could say.

If it says 100% unknown? Yes. Pretty sure it has STUFF in there that they don't want to tell you.

Eye of Newt... you know.

That is the rub! I always think that nobody would try to pull the wool, but, yes they would. It was made in India, which is regulated differently than here, but, we let it in the country??? Really?

But ... really?