Some times our local Native American names are fun.

in #humor3 years ago (edited)

If I head north, I come upon a town called Nowata, Okla.

Then if I head south I find the town of lotawatah, Oklahoma.

Here's the fire department there:

And zoomed here:

So I guess that means that I live in just the right water, half way in between 'Nowata' and 'Lotawatah', ROFLOL!

Life is more fun when we can smile! There are so many things to laugh at, when we look.



They say to check for water before you buy a homestead...I guess I'm fine, LOL 😆😁🤠🌊💦🚣

Yes you should have no problem with having water.

As soon as I get the well dug anyway, LOL!
