The Post of All Posts - Creating The Full Story of Hypersensitivosaurus

in #hypersensitivosauruslast year (edited)

I am trying something new here, a post that will become some kind of database of my Hypersensitivosaurus stories, all in one place. Pretty much like a personal website on the blockchain, full of links to other posts/ earlier stories.

HS reading a book.jpg

Hypersensitivosaurus reading "Hypersensitivity as a Super Power"

I have felt like creating something similar for many years now, It's hard to search for dinos, through 800+ posts on all kinds of topics.

This might solve all that. I will finally have my personal website, all about Hypersensitivosaurus, without having to actually create and host one, in a different place.

Let's see how it goes and how far I get in one single week ( editing time )

After those 7 days, I will probably create a second, somewhat similar post, unless this whole experiment leads to some brand new insights...

Knowing my creative brain, I expect this will happen

Welcome to the Dinoverse!

A place where dinos still roam wild

and philosoraptors abound

not really but I can name at least one, your favorite giant lizard, the one and only Hypersensitivosaurus

One way or another, I ended up referring to a story of 2020, due to something I started writing tonight and didn't finish. It reminded me of the following tale of Hypersensitivosaurus, Leaving The Cave

I wrote this one after my return to Portugal, a month or so after experiencing an unprecedented and traumatizing three month lockdown, in The Netherlands, back in the Spring of 2020.

This sketchie is titled 'Hyper out of Hibernation' and isn't necessarily referring to me, but to the average person, experiencing lockdown. Especially those who actually locked themselves in, not or hardly leaving their houses, cutting down on movement, fitness and overall health. This image represents those people, when they first head out into the world, after their unnatural hibernation.

hyper out of hibernation.jpg

You might also want to check out my 2020 story about the fear hare
This one - the story, not the critter - actually came to me during that lockdown...


P.S. If you see this post changing throughout the days, feel free to leave another comment ;<)


The post collections didn't do what you needed? Because just from reading I thought that sounded perfect for this job, but you might be trying to do something else and I'm just misinterpreting things XD

That was vaguely in the back of my mind but knowing what I know of that, I feel it isn't what I'm trying to aim for/ won't do the trick.


But why is payout declined?

An experiment. I was a little disappointed with my meagre payouts as of late and also thought hivewatchers might be acting stupid/ show up, if I make a series of these posts ( one a week ) that don't change enough. I thought no payout might help with that. Anyhow, I was possibly just tired haha! :<)