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RE: You Will Respect My Synchronicitah! IFC Finals S2R1

in #ifc4 years ago

You're welcome for maintaining my passion. :) I see this as a lot more than just a game and I'm optimistic and hopeful to see where it goes in time. :)

Thank you as well for doing all you do, you rock in your own diversity of unique ways!

I was synchronystically here shortly after you posted and I appreciate you for finding some time to play, sounds like you're pretty busy as I think most of us are.

Even though you described your entry as sort of "random/lazy" (perhaps a bit self deprecating?) you also said that's what you do best and I enjoyed it and thought it was good especially because it made me laugh a number of times and reintroduced me to some old music I remember from when younger especially when working with my father and it was on the radio, though... Never knew that's what the lyrics said until just now when I read them, lol... Interesting... Not totally sure I get how the lyrics relate, yet still interesting and nostalgic.

I also loved the Cartman play on words with synchronicitah! Very clever, I get what you're saying about being entertaining in regard to the "random/lazy" stuff and I think that's the sign of a great artist when you can just quickly and easily come up with good content that others appreciate without too much effort, so definitely props on that! :)

Thank you for the entry and for the laughs and interesting thoughts and for the kind and supportive and encouraging words at the end. Same to you! I hope you're safe and healthy too!

I will check out your page and your YouTube channel again and see some of what you've been up to, hope things have been going awesome for you and your family! All the best to you man.