Dusty Road Distracts Road Users

in #indonesia6 years ago


Hello Steemian! Hopefully today we are all in good health. Amen. This time I want to address the social issues in our society. Many interesting social issues to be written into a writing. But it is just our willingness to write down the social issues around us.

Some time ago I traveled from downtown Meulaboh to Kaway XVI District. The journey distance is about 30 Kilometers with takes 45 minutes. On the way I saw many plants and piles of wood on the road and some banners.

Curious about this irony of sight, I decided to singga at a coffee shop, beside the road that was filled with piles of wood. After I wondered with the people there, I got a little information that I could write in steemi.

It turned out that the residents of Kawai XVI District, West Aceh, blocked Meulaboh-Tutut cross road because the road was filled with dust. A number of residents claimed to be disturbed health due to dust from the road.

About two kilometers of Meulaboh-Tutu road blocked by residents. The road creates dust when it passes through the vehicle. Residents claimed to start having health problems since last few months.

Residents blocked roads by putting tuna, woods and banners as protest forms in the road. This road raises because it breaks again after several days after repair.

Residents expect the attention of the government related to the impact of dust on the road from the road. The construction of Meulaboh-Tutut road from the 4 billion rupiah budget of Anggara Pendanja Aceh (APBA) was revised in December 2017. But the road was broken again after three days after work.

In addition I also dig the information through mass media coverage. Some media have written news about the road. From the results of my research, I got the information, this road repair allegedly full of corruption and is currently being handled by the Meulaboh State Prosecutor.
