Indonesia : Bunga kembang sepatu putih / English : White hibiscus flower

in #indonesia4 years ago

Indonesia :

Hai selamat malam menjelang pagi sahabat hivean semuanya, semoga kalian selalu sehat dan selalu dalam lindungan Tuhan yang maha Esa. Pada malam ini saya ingin menunjukkan beberapa foto keindahan bunga kembang sepatu yang berwarna putih, saya rasa sahabat semuanya sudah tidak asing lagi dengan bunga kembang sepatu ini. Kalau kemarin saya pernah posting bunga kembang sepatu merah, dan kali ini masih sama tentang bunga kembang sepatu tapi yang berwarna putih. Bunga ini banyak di jumpai di sekitar alam kita, karena memang kadang bisa tumbuh sendiri. Bunga yang indah juga banyak manfaatnya bagi kesehatan tubuh kita. Bunga ini saya temukan kemarin dulu juga dekat berdampingan dengan yang berwarna merah, tepatnya sebagai tanaman hias di sebuah taman balai desa.

English :

Hi, good evening, close to morning friends, all of you, I hope you are always healthy and always under the protection of God Almighty. Tonight I want to show some photos of the beauty of white hibiscus flowers, I think all of you are familiar with this hibiscus flower. Yesterday, I posted red hibiscus flowers, and this time it's still the same about hibiscus flowers but white ones. This flower is often found around us, because sometimes it can grow on its own. Beautiful flowers also have many benefits for our health. This flower I found yesterday is also close to the side of the red one, to be precise as an ornamental plant in a village hall garden.




Indonesia :

Bagaimana sahabat, cukup indah kan ? Dan semoga sahabat semua menyukaianya.
Terima kasih atas perhatiannya, selamat malam dan selamat beristirahat semoga mimpi indah.

English :

How about a friend, quite beautiful right? And I hope all friends like it.
Thank you for your attention, good night and have a good rest, have a nice dream.


Beautiful flower close ups, I am glad that @kobold-djawa nominated this post to my latest upvote giveaway, it was my pleasure to support it :)

WOW! I haven't ever seen the hibiscus flower in white color before. They are very gorgeous. Great shot. ;)

hehe, thank you @tangmo

still the same @tangmo flower, the only difference is the color 😊

Oh! That's great! ;)