in #info5 months ago (edited)


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I just finished a round of "Horse Paste"

Gotta be very careful with the dosage. But I have not been put down in three years. I used to get the pneumonia every year. I would be laid up for a week or two and unable to function. Since using ivermectin if I do get sick it is not as severe and kicks it out of me in 36-48 hours. 👍

Big Pharma and Dr. Evil Fauchi quickly killed our Gram and my Step Mother with the Covid protocols including the horrible Rendezavir poison injection and it's 54% renal failure rates.

The Medical and Gov Tyranny is REAL.!!

We were all frighten in the very beginning of this scam. So sorry you lost your loved ones. I get my info from Bit-Chute. I realize there are lies mixed in with trues. Up to me to connect the dots. Can trust no one but yourself when you get right down to it. Winning people over to what you have found out is near impossible. We are in a hideous war where those not in the know are our enemy.

You are 100% right Mike.

I am glad to know you, even if just virtually, and have you on this side.

I became aware of how bad these known liars could be when I saw how they became unhinged when Potus 45 came down the golden escalator. So I did not believe the scam-demic from day one...


Ivermectin is life saver! I helped over twenty people with ivermectin! Even my cats had taken Ivermectin for cat flu and eye infection!

That's great. How do you dose the cats. Do you use pills?

I have been healing stray cats at the temple with ivermectin during the last two years with great result.
The first time I used it was when my cat suddenly had very bad eye infection. I took her to see the vet and follow instructions on eye drops for two days. The result was very unsatisfactory. My cat’s eye was all red, swollen and she couldn’t open her eye. It seemed the other eye’s beginning to get infected as well.
Out of desperation, I did some research on ivermectin and it seemed overdose effect wasn’t life threatening in humans or animals. Of course, I came over ‘fake articles’ purporting to be warnings about ivermectin in humans; but I couldn’t get any cross references on those information. So I knew they were design to cause fear and distrust.

After having taken Ivermectin myself for three years and giving to others in distress for two years (I have finished almost 30 bottles of Ivermectin!). There was not a single case of adverse effect!

That’s why I decided to give ivermectin to my cat. I told the vet, and she was horrified and cited the adverse effect in the same paper I had read. It seemed the vet only fed one ‘official’ paper. Her English wasn’t that proficient and she t trusted in bigpharma.

So, I just ignored her and leave her at peace with her indoctrination.
I did a rough calculation of the body weight but I wanted to se the result. So I gave my cat a bit extra; about 3 milligram of Ivermectin tablet. The result was very good. Her fever came down and the eye infection was 50% gone. Within three days, my cat had fully recovered. I also gave her 4-6 ml of CDS three I times a day. The chemical eye drop didn’t work and had negative effect on her eyes. The chemical was too abrasive and harsh.

So, I began to put ivermectin in wet food for sick temple cats and kittens. The monk was quite impressed as I had saved him lots of money for the vet’s bills. Ivermectin did save several kittens’ lives miraculously; I was sure they wouldn’t survive the illness and infections.

Three days ago, my cat had the eye infection again. I used to eye drop from the vet just hoping it would help. But it didn’t, so I had to give her Ivermectin once again. The result was good after the first day. I stopped for a day, then I gave her CDS for two days. I think Ivermectin should be used first; I put almost 5 milligrams (half the tablet) in her wet food. The fever was reduced in six hours, the swelling eye looked much relieved.
I followed up with CDS (three times a day) for two days. Then my cat was alright and running around the garden again.

In fact, I did try to overdose myself with Ivermectin in the first year. I wanted to test out the adverse impact. So, I took double dose in one day! I felt much more alert with more energy! Then I could be sure that it wouldn’t hurt those people I had been helping with their illnesses.
Ivermectin is the best medicine for all purposes for me.
CDS is the universal healer!
I still make my own CDS to give to some people who might need some help.
You must make some CDS for your cats! It’s very good for maintaining good health.

P. S. CDS has to be diluted, never drink pure CDS.

Thanks @kaminchan. Will try some Ivermectin when needed.

Hope you’ll find Ivermectin very useful for cats too! It’s great with cat flu and running nose with watery eyes. All temple cats with these symptoms would get ivermectin treatment. They all recovered very fast.


Wow! Respect!

Thank you so much for your wonderful support and encouragement. Love to see more new posts from you. I need to be reminded to stay the course on mindfulness and steadfastness! 🙏😂🌷🐈🐈

Please be careful with the dosage. Read this old post of mine to see why...

No Kitty's were hurt while making this post... https://peakd.com/hive-189742/@krazzytrukker/toxicosis-a-deadly-silent-killer

What kind of dewormer and flea med did you use? I would stay away from this stuff. What dosage did you use for your cat?