Definition of a Govtard

Definition of a Govtard Graphic.png

Definition:  One who thinks that taking a side in the Government Show and rooting for it will make a difference in the overall outcome of things.  Pretty simple

Often a govetard will attack Others for not being on the govetard’s side, though anyOne who thinks that either side of that show is a solution is, by definition, a govtard.

Now, I don’t judge govtards too harshly, because I grasp what the psychopaths in control have done to Their thinking.  How indoctrinated They are.  I can only hope that They have the strength to withdraw consent when They see what totalitarian a world is being created Now.

We don’t have to consent to that mess.

We don’t have to consent to the legal system and can stand on higher ground.  On Ethical ground.  The legal system and the government system are one and the same.  We don’t have to consent.

Let Me say that once again.  We do not have to consent.

Let Me ask You…  Have You heard of the Cestui Que Vie “trust?”  It is a trust that was set up many centuries ago.  The psychopaths of the time knew that each One born here, every Human, had an ownership stake in the wealth of the planet.  So…

They declared Humanity “incompetent!”  And set things up such that Our wealth was put into this “trust.”  I am certain there is a path to claiming One’s share, but They don’t...errm...share it.  Highly unEthical, brutish as well.

So anyway…  If We collapsed that “trust” – I have stated that it is collapsed, but like a child engrossed, They ignore the fact and proceed with the unEthical besetment on Humanity of fictional death bugs and jabs that, should they change the genome, would take ownership of Our birthrights away from Humanity and We become Their “property.”

Should We, in large enough numbers withdraw consent and demand the collapse of the trust, and manage to do so, every One of Us would be a multimillionaire.  Now…  That would create problems in the overall flow of things.  So rather than hand every Human on the planet a check with large numbers on it…

Let’s ponder another strategy.  With money flowing, a multimillionaire can live as richly as that One chooses.  There is very little that One can’t do if that One wants to.  It’s as if money does not exist, really, and moving it is more a formality.

Even if the initial state of handing large checks around found an equilibrium of function, in the end, there would be poverty and privilege again, for the simple reason that the more money One has, the more power over Others One has.  And the psychopaths will find ways, Ethical or unEthical, to accumulate the most, because They love Their power over Others.

There is a path to reclaiming Our planet without the disruption just handing gazillions to Us all would create.  And it starts with free energy.

Now, I know many of You doubt We can create free energy, think it is impossible, even.  But when You grasp just how much We have been lied to, Your mind might be open enough to suspect that We have been lied to about that.

In fact, We have been lied to on the most foundational thing in many areas.  And…  I know – not just theorize, or guess, but know – We have had technologies for at least 60 years (likely much longer) that can draw on the electro-gravito-magnetic (EGM) field that pervades the universe.  For what I know, please visit My video on that, linked here:

Electrogravitics:  Gravity Control & Energy from the Aether:

(Please forgive Me for not using YouToilet or 3Speak for “display and play” – I do not want to give YouToilet any traffic at all, and despite many and varied attempts, have yet to successfully upload a single video to 3Speak, so I gave up on Them.)

Free energy is the key, because We have the rest of the technologies it would take out in the open.  If We were all living as richly as We might choose, there would be necessary work no One – or not enough of Us – wants to do.  And We now have robots to fill in where not enough of Us love to do the work.

And We have the interweb which will allow Us to report problems for the caring Ones to offer help on.  Rather than have Some chosen to solve all problems (“government”), leaders of the moment will emerge – the Ones with the knowledge and expertise on the specific problem, or the most capable of organizing the efforts of Others.

But free energy would mean that We would have no need to account for Our energy added – We would have no need for money to keep track of how much (and at what value) energy We Each have added.  Money, in all forms, from trade and barter accounting for the energy We have added, to anything that represents the goods and services of Our energy added.  Shells, beads, metals, paper, electronic bits.

And thus, no One would have the power over Others that the money provides.  Any power will come in the accumulation of social currencies – respect, appreciation, fame (earned fame, and not the concocted fame We see today), admiration, reputation, adoration, love, and other positive social currencies.

Power is lost when One earns negative social currencies – scorn, disgust, avoidance…

And so the Ones most helpful, insightful, caring, knowledgeable, and such will be the Ones looked up to, listened to, followed.  The psychopaths will be unable to have the ability to chain Others down with money.  If They choose poor behavior, They will earn negative social currency and lose power.

If We shift from the slave’s creed called the work “ethic” to the Betterment Ethic (a true Ethic), encouraging All to keep an eye out for things We can do to make it better for Those around Us – from a smile or helping hand to inventions and innovations, earning positive social currency – We will encourage the best from all of Us.

And all things created will be created to last, to be the best, for to create crap will only earn that negative currency.  Our “planned obsolescence” waste will vanish, reducing radically the pollution footprint We create.  Surely, if You care about the environment, You might want to consider this vastly better setup, and share awareness of it.

I offer the blueprint for this society We can build here in these two videos:

I Have a Blueprint:
The Detailed Blueprint:

My work has been life-long, coming to the blueprint, offering it, and sharing it.  It is up to You now to share it as well – when it reaches the tipping point, We will build it.  And if You can, help build the components – the free energy devices, the open-source decentralized web (no “backbone” that can be used to shut it all down), the open-source site to report problems on, the robots for things We do not love to do.

In effect, We will all live like the multimillionaires We are, creating as We love to do – from teaching to inventing, from farming to designing things…  Traveling when and where We choose freely – a truly free society with the only rules being the three Laws of Ethics (which will have scant motive to be broken):

1.  Do not willfully and without fully informed consent hurt or kill the flesh of anOther

2.  Do not willfully and without fully informed consent take or damage anything that does not belong to You alone

3.  Do not willfully defraud anOther (which can only happen without fully informed consent)

Back to govtards…  The Ones who think They can vicariously create better by giving over Their authority over Self to Ones They do not personally know, in a system They only have the illusion They have any say in.  Giving power, by consenting, to Ones who tend to be psychopaths, who will vie for those positions for the power the People give Them, in a legal/governmental system that can make unEthical things “legal” (like forcing jabs of toxins into the flesh of the non-consenting, or using coercion to accomplish that), making them valid for All who consent to that system…

These Ones are the Ones We need to reach.  We would best do all We can to help Them see that controlminds (“governments”) do not do things for the People.  They do things for the power and satisfaction of psychopaths.  And that They should also consent to better than that psychopath-promoting way of doing things.

So, I challenge You.  I challenge You to share awareness of the much better – by leaps, bounds, and wormhole trips – way of doing things.  I challenge You to share this link with two (or many more) Others.  You can merely say, “Hey, I saw this and don’t know what to think…  What do You think about it?”  No need to push.

And for more of My work – videos which are mostly under 10 minutes, only a small handful run over that – I offer these links:

We Have Psychopaths in Control:
I-AM Sovereign:
Is Money Evil?:
The Money Push:
Foundational Rights:
Self Defense and Ethics:
Imagine an Alien Civilization:
Morality and Ethics:
Why Littering Is UnEthical:
Who Controls Social Credit?:
The Rules of Anarchy:
Who's Responsible?:
Free Being:
Do You Have the Balls?:
Unite...And Then What?:
Cashless vs. Moneyless:
The Rules of Anarchy:
What Shall We Call "Them?":
Why I Am This Unspeakable Thing:
Radical Problems:
Morality and Ethics:
Would You Be Happier? - Censored Off YouToilet:
Collectively or Aggregately?:
Never Believe ANYTHING!:
My Mother Sat Me Down:
The GentleOne's Solution:
Do We Want Fluoride in Our Water?:
Radical Problems:
An Ethical Sovereign Stands on Ethical Grounds:
The Snake and the Rod:
Planetary Problem:
You Can Have That Government – But You Can’t Have Me!:
Earn A Living:
Radical Problems:
An Unpopular Position - Crypto:
Parents Beware!:!:3
I'm a Communist?:
Setting Myself Free:
When They Say "Rule of Law...":
Make Money!:
What Is An Ethical Anarcho-Abundancist?:
Born to Fail:
A Terrorist Organization:
Rise Up!:
What is Stigmergy?:

Love always!





Endia – A Short Story by Amaterasu Solar

Quite the Opposite – A Short Story for Change – by Amaterasu Solar

The Abundance Paradigm – A Novella by Amaterasu Solar

My father taught Me never to believe anything.  He told Me to place probabilities and adjust them as new data come along, asking the question, "Does that explain what I see?," when evaluating data.  He was an aerospace engineer, and worked with T Townsend Brown (see My featured vid on YouTube).  From a very early age I was concerned that the way I was told things worked, in terms of government and social affairs, did not explain what I saw.  So the first few decades I worked to determine WHY this was.

I wound up in banking, seeing the flow of things in the headquarters of a major bank in Los Angeles.  I became intimately familiar with the flow of money, and economics.  I asked the question, "Why do We use money?"

When the web arrived, My research capabilities flourished, and I learned much that explained what I saw, but the only explanations I found for why We use money started with trade and barter, which are still money in a direct form, and did not answer the WHY.  Then, I came upon the explanation that these were used because, with a finite amount of stuff, it was to ensure that We got Our "fair share" in a scarcity environment, in exchange for the work We added.

From this I realized the WHY.  We were accounting for Our energy input into things.  And that We needed to do this because the Human energy was scarce compared to what We needed to be produced (back then).

I also discovered that over half Our planet's wealth was "owned" by fewer than 100 Humans...

I was very interested in psychology, too.  And studied it deeply, being fascinated by psychopathy, focusing on that aberration, learning that They had discovered a gene that manifested Individuals who were incapable of love, compassion, caring, and empathy for Others – primary psychopaths.  Seeing that the wealth was so disproportionate, and that the families who "owned" it inbred, what would explain what I saw would be that They wanted to retain that psychopathic gene.  Given that the wealth could feed, clothe, house ALL of Us (and give Us freedom) abundantly and many times over, and yet None set forth to care for Humanity, I had to give probability approaching 100% that They are psychopaths, as that explains perfectly what I see, and answers My quest for why the way I was told things worked did not explain what I saw.

And I asked...  If I was a psychopath, with enough wealth to buy anything and anyOne I wanted to, and given that money = power (power over Others is something psychopaths seek), would I be motivated to create a false "reality" for the masses and thereby manipulate Them?  I think You can figure out what answer I came up with.  And would that explain what I see?  Absolutely.

Now, given that money is merely the accounting token used to account for Our Human energy, it would follow that free energy would threaten fully the accounting for Our energy.  If I was a psychopath, with enough money to buy sites like Wikipedia, the media, the education system, etc., would I do all I could to suppress and hide free energy? 

And given I personally know that electrogravitics offers both gravity control and energy from the aether (the electromagnetic field that pervades the universe), and that it went into black projects, such efforts to hide and suppress would explain what I see completely.

So I am neither a "conspiracy theorist," nor am I a "conspiritard," but rather...  I am a conspiracy analyst.  And given this analysis, knowing that conspiracies are the NORM in history and that they didn't just stop some years back, I conclude that conspiracies abound.  That explains perfectly what I see.

Love always.


Now, I don’t judge govtards too harshly, because I grasp what the psychopaths in control have done to Their thinking. How indoctrinated They are. I can only hope that They have the strength to withdraw consent when They see what totalitarian a world is being created Now.