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RE: What Happened When Money Went Away

I agree that money is a tool - an archaic one, and a VERY dangerous tool. Unlike hammers, which most will use Ethically, the tool of money provides power over Others. Psychopaths are drawn to power over Others and will do LITERALLY ANYTHING - Ethical or unEthical - to get and keep that power. (Most of Us will stop short of unEthical things.)

And once They have that power, They use it against Us. Plannedemics, faking climate data, and on and on. They can pay toadies (whether armies or strong arms) to do Their dirty work. (With no money, the only thing left to pay toadies with is "pretty pleases.")

So. Though it is a tool, its usefulness is minor compared to the psychopathic things it can implement, and it is now fully unnecessary. Let's stop using that ghastly tool.


So you think the current money is the only money possible?

not another, more transparent and secure money?

also how do they create the money? how do they tie value to it?
is really the money the bad tool u're talking about or maybe the state?

LOL! ALL money systems WILL promote psychopaths, create poverty and privilege, and keep the bulk of Us from Our wealth (did You know You have a "trust" account with many, many millions in it? But They hold it and use it against You?).

With free energy tech (which I KNOW We have - as in KNOW!!!), We can have what is Ours: Our wealth. Why would We want to cling to accounting for Our energy and stand very good probability of living in poverty?

yes I know

I also know about maritine law

but you should definetely step out of the victim cult

also just cuz money is bad (money) atm - does not mean money is bad in general

what is urs? ur complaining and demand?
take it!

Sorry, what? Victim cult? No clue. But I will say, it is an inherent property of money to promote psychopaths to power. Money offers power over Others. Psychopaths lust after power over Others. Psychopaths will do quite LITERALLY ANYTHING to get and keep that power over Others - defrauding, stealing, killing, whatever They can get away with. Most of Us will stop short of the unEthical.

So money WILL promote psychopaths, and in My book, that is bad. It leads to plannedemics, fake climate statistics, putting Our wealth into "trusts" and using it against Us, and all the other UN/WEF/WHO goals for Humanity. It is bad in general.

What's My what? Complaining about what? Demanding what? Take what?

yea I know what a psychopath is
they hacked the money

but that doesnt mean money is bad in general
without those psychopaths and their stuff, money would be a great tool for abundance for everyone - real free market economies would be the standard
no coercion, no power shit

but, well, that's not the case.. cuz we have those psychopaths
but I see the problem in the psychopaths and their stuff, ofc also their money - but not money in general

Well, money, irrespective of psychopaths, WILL create poverty and privilege. "Your energy is only worth 2 cents and hour, and His is worth 15 dollars an hour..." So We have judging of the worth of the energy of Others. This WILL create haves and have-nots.

And... It is archaic! We do not need to account for Our energy added into a system (at any arbitrary value). The planet is abundant, We are "post-scarcity" (or were until They mucked with the system for Their plannedemic), which means We could do things like They did on island paradises where They had an abundance of what They needed. They never developed "money." In abundance, it is pointless but to enrich Some and impoverish Others.

"Your energy is only worth 2 cents and hour, and His is worth 15 dollars an hour..."

but that is only cuz we do not have a free market economy..

you can't be forced to let anyone underpay you

also how about a free market for money?

archaic is the planned economy right now and their fake monopoly money..