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RE: Pinko InformationWar and prepping the battlefield - 2020 Election

for now, the smart decsion is to be prepared and have multiple plans of action

Be fully prepared for the inevitable unforeseeable black swan(s).

The interesting thing is that one thing that i am pretty sure will happen in the near future is that everyone stops paying taxes. Just stops.

I wonder what is going to cause that.


law and order breaks down (you are here), middle class sees they arent getting any service for their taxes, and lots of them are going to be unemplyed'ed by the current policies.

its almost like the elite want a breakdown rather than a slave class

"its almost like the elite want a breakdown rather than a slave class"

Broken, desperate people are easy to enslave. Esau traded his heritage for a mess of pottage. Afghanis signed up for biometric databases for bags of rice.

They will only win if we are broken, and they're in the process of breaking us. My darkest fears are reserved for the DNA altering vaccine. There's so many horrible mutations they could choose to inflict, it's almost impossible to choose which would be the most of benefit to them as a feature of their slaves.

They're not making us RoundupReady. My money is on seeing Bill Gates as an alpha male/sexy beast desired by all women and feminized men alike. He's the author of the code after all.