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RE: Candace Owens is taking on facebook for censoring is about time someone pushed back on these cyber-tyrrants!

in #informationwar4 years ago (edited)

Personally I am quite curious how you happened to find most of my posts downvote-able.
I am a fan of the concept of downvotes, but with power comes responsibility. In my case I'd like to know the reasons. Otherwise it's just plain old stupid punishement, without the opportunity to learn.


Reward disagreement related to cheerleading of frankbacon retarded comments.

Not that I get it, but ok, fine. As long as this is not some continued vengence...

Sorry you are having problems, not all those here are adults. I avoid down votes myself, and have only been forced there once to get rid of a liberal, that wouldn't leave when asked.

Most of the downvoting is used by those who are unable to present and defend their ideas in debate. So they feel they have the right to hide your ideas, to try to make their ideas look better. This is Kindergarten politics, and they are to be pitied; as it would be a terrible way to live!

I will follow you, maybe I can upvote some of your posts, and help clear some of the kindergarten down votes!

Be blessed!


Thanks for the kind and critical words @smithlabs. Personally I find downvotes important, but only to defend against spam/milking/fraud. Or to further and improve the efforts.
A cryptic answer like the one above does not help, but hey, we are all just humans, a bunch of emotions plus the usual frustration. I don't blame anyone for that, all there is is a bit of sympathy.

I am surprised anyone would downvote your pictures, I like them.

I guess the next step will be blocking this individual, he can't take a hint. Haven't seen one so arrogant since steemit....

Glad you came by! Sorry you were spam attacked.


It has passed already, no need to take further actions against somebody ;)
Thanks for the support!

That guy was arrogant, and uninvited! I actually had to use my first hive downvote on him, SMH.

I'm glad you are past the liberal interference (these people usually are liberals). Just keep posting, and ignore these people!

Stay safe, and be blessed.
