The Origins Of Freedom In The Age of Enlightenment

in #informationwar3 years ago (edited)

The authors of the book did not uncover anything new but will definitely validate what many "fringe archeologists and anthropologists" have written about for many decades already. Disturbingly, David Graeber and David Wengrow will also rake up much of the glory and the profits because only those in the academic circles have the privilege to influence which knowledge can be disseminated. Those who don't get greenlighted are generally ridiculed, discredited or worse called conspiracy theorists.

Buckminster Fuller also was a proponent of the money-free society, and even though he wrote a lot about it, academia paid more attention to his mastery of architectural design than anything else. We've no problem assuming that the crowds were not prepared to listen because they were too much in the hurry to escape from the Great Depression and WW2 and rushed to embrace the ensuing (deadly) consumer boom that followed.

The timing of the release of the book is no coincidence though as truth must be revealed, one way or another, to obtain our consent. How prophetic again. In our previous blog Pondering Good and Evil, we precisely wrote the following:

During this confrontation, evil may even tell us what to do but our egos will feel so cruelly vain that we'll either surrender or rise from our ashes, like the Pheonix. And the old reality will be left behind.

Let's call it rational intuition!

But thanks to this video. We'll confess to being unaware that the Enlightenment Era was directly influenced by indigenous thinking, that of the wise Indian chief Kandiaronk in particular.

Kondiaronk (c. 1649–1701) (Gaspar Soiaga, Souojas, Sastaretsi), known as Le Rat (The Rat), was Chief of the Hurons at Michilimackinac. (WIKI)

But what has become of the Age of Enlightenment more precisely today? Nothing because "business as usual" is the foundation of so many consensuses. Moreover, no ruling ideology has ever had the intention to support sovereignty. The most daunting ideas cherished by the Enlightenment Era remained shared by intellectuals (and their closed circles) pretending to lament about human conditions while being perfectly aware of the stakes and distorting truths.

If a vast majority does not learn such facts at school then we have to consider them concealed. Education has failed world citizens: what we learn is either biased or wrong by design. College degrees are not much worth anymore as students are groomed to chase 6fig salaries.

The co-author states that we'll have to do the transition ourselves. Earth Custodians have sustained that very stance for years now, see our Bitchute Channel whose links are provided at the bottom of this page. Although we advocate for Degrowth (as a transition) we do not align ourselves with the movement whose downside is that many of its supporters expect the corporate world and politicians to become the good guys or/and choose to remain oblivious to the plague of debt-servitude.

We haven't read the 700-page book nor do we intend to read it but the interview of David Wengrow, by Democracy Now, makes it sound more complex than it actually is and our feeling is that the book may give many the impression that the topic is way above their heads. It is also very likely that we'll see other academics attempting to tarnish the main message... that we do NOT need monetarism. Lastly, we also completely disagree with him dismissing the passage of hunter-gatherers into agriculture. It is the development of agriculture that gave birth to a hierarchy as it was based on land ownership. The concept of poverty and inequality was inherently born as explained in our video Life vs The Patriarchy.

Thank you in advance for sharing our work!

I find it hard to see how you, Europeans, can be much more miserable than you already are: what kind of human being, what kind of creatures must Europeans be to be forced to do good and refrain from doing evil only for fear of punishment. You have known that we lack judges. What is the reason for this? It is because we never bring accusations against each other. And why we never sue each other, because we have made the decision to never accept and use money... WHY? Because we are determined not to have laws. Since the world was the world our ancestors were able to live happily without money.......... I affirm that what you call money is the devil of devils the scourge and souls and the slaughterhouse of the living. To imagine to one can live in a land of money is like imagining that one can preserve one's life at the bottom of a lake!

Anthropologist, activist and author who played a key role in the Occupy Wall Street movement (2020)
He noted that many of the people who protested with him, as well as those who took to the streets in Egypt and Spain in 2011, had one big thing in common: “Most of them were people who had gone through the educational system who were deeply in debt and who found it completely impossible to find jobs. The system has completely failed them … If there’s going to be any kind of society worth living in, we’re going to have to create it ourselves.”

David Graeber & David Wengrow "The Dawn of Everything" critique: The Wisdom of Kandiaron



So you say the root of all evil is money? Have you wondered what the root of money is?

When the looters and destroyers come, they always come for money.
Whips, chains, or choose.