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RE: Call it CPOS. C for Cartel. Hive isn't DPOS and neither was Steem

in #informationwar3 years ago

I wasn't criticizing "you". I was blaming the source of whatever confused you into not knowing what "decentralization" means.

If the whales of Hive wanted it to be DPOS they would power down and sell their Hive so more people could have access to it. This makes things more decentralized the less whales there are.

Here's what decentralization means:

to distribute the administrative powers or functions of (a central authority) over a less concentrated area:
to disperse (something) from an area of concentration:

By definition it is already decentralized ("whales" not "whale"). Obviously you thought it was something else or else you would have realized that making something which is already decentralized "more decentralized" is like making a piece of white paper more white by cutting it up into small squares.

Giving you the benefit of the doubt that you understand how things like that work. Maybe you don't. It surprises me how many people fall for homeopathy. You could be one of them.😄


You could give me the benefit of the doubt by reading the last 4 years of what I've written on the subject instead of copying and pasting a basic definition. I've done way more advanced posts than that, as well as comments and podcasts.

I'm not the confused one.

Copying and pasting? Oh, you mean "quoting". Fine. I'll paraphrase definitions then for you and if I can't quote definitions I shouldn't do it for your replies either. I'll paraphrase your reply instead:

Thank you but clearly homeopathy is real. That's why I know my idea will work. We absolutely should force users to liquidate their Hive Power against their will because I've decided I know better. If you had read my manifesto which I have spent four years writing in sections along with the audio/video bonus material I graced the world with you would know how big brain I am.

You're wrong. I'd list the reasons but all I can do is describe how great I am so that's your problem. Isn't "me smart, you not" good enough of a reason? For the sake of argument assume I am right.

I am pretty confident I can guess why the Leofinance community doesn't upvote you much and I can virtually guarantee it's not for the reasons you assume.

And they dont upvote me because I make posts critical of their project. I also consistently exposed how bitcoin is controlled by AXA Ventures bank when they paid 55 million usd to the bitcoin main dev team and bought them out.

If you scroll back through my posts which tmdoesnt take long to do you will see those posts

The crypto community is delusional and doesnt like to be told bitcoin is owned by a bank. That 80 percent btc miners are in China, and in China you cam only mine btc with govt approval and it's all govt run and controlled

Which means bitcoin isnt decentralized and it is run by a government in large part with most mining controlled directly by the Chinese government. My posts have all the links if you want to learn. It's all factual and real
Up to you if you want to learn or not. I can lead the horse to the water but cant make the horse drink it

You do have a point. Leofinance probably doesn't upvote conspiracy fiction even if it's poorly written economic fantasy. Maybe creativecoin would but just a few seconds of scrutinizing your worldbuilding makes your narrative fall apart.

Have you considered taking some writing classes? That might help you come up with better fantasy to entertain an audience. Right now your "I am a struggling and misunderstood author" is overshadowing your works of fiction. That's another thing you should try to fix.

You are really intent on insisting I am some sort of bad person and continually are assigning me faults that have nothing to do with me or don't apply. I am not sure why you continue to waste your time doing this.

You do have a point. Leofinance probably doesn't upvote conspiracy fiction even if it's poorly written economic fantasy. Maybe creativecoin would but just a few seconds of scrutinizing your worldbuilding makes your narrative fall apart.

It's not conspiracy fiction that Bitcoin's dev team has been owned for the last 5 years by AXA Ventures which is a mega billion+ bank/hedgefund that participates in global leadership of the entire banking sector at Bilderberg.

This article I wrote has the info, and more links with a lot of detail. Have fun.

Have you considered taking some writing classes? That might help you come up with better fantasy to entertain an audience. Right now your "I am a struggling and misunderstood author" is overshadowing your works of fiction. That's another thing you should try to fix.

I don't write fantasy. I've never implied I am struggling in any way or that I am misunderstood. You have quite the fantasy written up about me, maybe you could take some writing classes and write a story about all the lies and slanders you have made up about me?

Since you continue this nonsense you're getting downvoted.

You're an extremely confused person. Those quotes u quoted above, I never said those things or even came come to paraphrasing them that way
Every interaction I've had with you involves explaining things to you and you just dont seem to have any foundation crypto or geo politics for that matter. You've got a lot of learning to do

The person who is being paraphrased doesn't paraphrase themselves. That's not how that works. You don't want me to quote definitions and paraphrasing the definition of the word "paraphrase" is...Oh, you almost got me. You don't like words with more than three letters. You love to redefine words. Sorry but the English language doesn't exist just so you can....need to use a word with less than four with it.