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RE: How Many Cans Of Worms Out There?

in #informationwar4 years ago

Animals profit-seeking???

Lions hunting prey gain more calories than they expend . Ergo they are in an energy profit.

People comparing themselves to animals is a BIG part of the problem.

We are animals.

NO animal can think years ahead, not even apes...

Conflating one quality to support an argument, is not an argument.
Animals do think ahead - they have a concept of time.
(bees collect nectar in the summer, to provide food for the winter. An example out of hundreds)

So your argument is already falling apart.

I think you'll find that it's not my argument falling apart.

Darwin is currently being seriously challenged big time by top philosophers and scientists -- it only is a beginning...

Appeal to authority means nothing(except a weakness of position).
(I DO agree with you though - There are many holes in the evolutionary theory).

My last reply to you... but thanks for your inspiration

It's funny how ideologues always cut a conversation short when challenged with logic.
It indicates weakness of position.
(please don't be 'ideologue predictable' with a passive aggressive reply!lol)

Have a great weekend!