A TI's reply to former best friend's Christmas email

Hi Matt,

I looked for the email you sent from this Christmas, or last, I had barely skimmed it before I was upset and closed it. I noticed you said you missed me during Christmas. No doubt it's been a few years since my world fell apart, I can't say I exactly missed any of you anymore. I also noticed you said you think you know what "it is" "it's the drugs isn't it" "you were just stoned right". What little I read continues coming to mind. Between my v2k and myself arguing, the most important thing I have to say is this.

So how did that job "keeping the NSA out of Canada" work out for you? And what did you want, not money obviously, and I seriously doubt you did it for tail? Who is the girl pretending to be my ex girlfriend? She's not.

Since I considered you such a good friend, I suppose I could still respect you in spite of that, and everything else, except for one problem. The rape of Stephanie's Niece.

I'm not yet sure who, but she's dead, this girl was shot, murdered. They shot her because Scott told her some secret that I guess, you get killed for wanting to repeat, especially if you know me and want to tell me. She's dead, she may have had sisters, brothers, children. You have two sisters that help you out, how would you feel? Gary was going to kill her in the car accident, the one he told us she died in that day, still calling her Stephanie's Niece, which until later never seemed that strange. Gary said to Geoff that "if the car accident failed" that he would put "that stuff, in the paper..." Geoff chimed "Fentanyl", "yes that in her cocaine" [that Scott sells in Vancouver]. The day she died, when Gary was told it was a shooting, he freaked.

Lets go back to the day Stephanie's Niece was raped, I didn't know who she was. I did know a woman was there to see me, I heard their voices outside. I was working and realized it was quiet so I came down scared my company had left. I failed to stop it. Gary had his arms wide saying "don't go in there, it's NOT what you think" he even sat me down in the kitchen and turned up the radio (which I turned down right away to hear better). I did investigate after the fact and thought this was the better option compared to kicking in the door with a knife, stoned, with police on the way... I didn't imagine what would happen. I regret this decision very much. It's five years later and I haven't done enough, I assume all my friends would feel the same.

I wish you had no part of this, but then what is Stephanie's Nieces name? And...

I do remember you coming by the night after the rape, with a girl. One of the first things Gary said "what are we going to do, I have an idea" "Stephan thinks it was George, shhh" You came to get some water at the fridge and turned to face the stairwell, your girlfriend had been there with the fish earlier while you and Gary talked. You said more than loud enough for me to hear "well one thing's for sure George isn't allowed here anymore". I bugged Gary about it every day, I made it a chore, if I forgot or hadn't stressed him enough I would go and talk to him when I got coffee, when Geoff came, whenever I would remember. If I had to piss and hadn't asked who she was and what they were doing and who was the other person, then I'd ask. That's why he thought I believed it to be George - who was not even in Penticton, he had left for Edmonton.

I'd like to know you were not part of her assault or murder. At least I could respect you even if you were hacking in opposition to my vision of Canada, against the government and the law. She was a friend of mine and still is while those that participate I no longer consider safe to be around. At least without the assault, the rest of your actions are pretty much who you have claimed to be. I grew up with you, much is not too surprising. I continued developing my vision of the world after I left Penticton for school in 2001. It bothered me to leave my "friends" behind. Over the years I hoped my path was similar to each of you. I spoke well of you all, obviously far too fond of some stories I no longer care to recall. I hope it's clear the difference this makes if you compare my opinion of you and if the truth were known, others.

I wish you had an answer. Who was Stephanie's Niece, what else do you know? I know you had a problem with lyrics in music, no more Megadeth, no more Metallica, Pantera, Iron Maiden? Do the right thing, tell me or the authorities before anybody else dies - I am a Targeted Individual (TI) and it's more serious than this very serious problem. It's a war against freedom, our country, and people are wrapped up in it that do not intend to be terrorists. While this goes on and on, even worse is how children are abused with the same tools, yet nobody cares, because as much as I try, overall the authorities obviously have no idea.

The day she was shot, I went to bug Gary as usual, even amid this additional turmoil, he got it every fucking day. He would usually say "its not what you think" "its not so and so" "just leave it alone" "what does it matter" "you don't know...". Today he would say something different - he walked to Debbie, told her to forget that day the bathroom, because she's gone now. I had snuck up and listened, he came back to the kitchen to say "Do you know what a false memory is Stephan?" - well actually... - Anyways, I knew then and he immediately denied with an exasperated face "what day are you talking about? Hey DEBBIE do you know what Stephan is talking about?" - every fucking day ok, I knew then and certain what he is guilty of.

Since I called Penticton RCMP to report the assault and murder in September and October of 2014, very serious problems have permanently damaged my life, my business, family and friends. Hundreds of death threats, threats of rape, assaults, robberies, criminal harassment, failure of government and abuses of advanced technology are all commonplace. You must be aware of Anonymous Ops, v2s/v2k, mind reading abuses, the pause weapon (mind writing). These are serious threats to freedom and Canada's national security.

What other foreign influence would better support your freedom more than our own country Canada? Where else will anybody care about our freedom to disobey? With technology's expansion in the new age of mankind, isn't it a bad idea to be activist with such issues at stake. Very few places would even allow a discussion about a "freedom to disobey" and will be a prolonged discussion even here in Canada. I argue, the freedom to disobey is a necessary component to freedom. Without a freedom to disobey, there is no real freedom, it's Buckminster Fuller's "Utopia or Oblivion", Pink Floyd's "the machine", or George Orwell's 1984. The fear held in America in those bygone days now seems a little less insane. The threat is real and not a friend of the familiar American democracy enshrined in a right to bear arms, and the freedom to disobey that this alludes to. Freedom and liberty, they are not just words.

When complacent Canadians are faced with the truth of our country's serious predicament, normally always blaming the "evil government" or "the Americans" and their "more evil government", all ironically cry foul "the Americans will have this figured out, no need to fear, you're crazy" or "if this was true, the police, they would solve this problem" and "you're crazy or lying". I know these responses, at least those people listened to what I said, I would have agreed but I know the truth. I work hard to spread the truth and find out why. I try to make some difference every day.

I owe my friend since that is what friends do, besides my own life died with the targeting. I believed the death threats, I'm over it, funeral done. My life is in limbo or gone until the targeting stops. I've been told by perpetrators I have three options, death, jail for life, or permanent hospitalization, repeatedly. Some TI's have volunteered to go to institutions due to rape and the pause weapon, see Dr John Hall, who discovered one such case, although it's unclear they understand the pause weapon. There is a disgusting lack of care occurring, a serious injustice, due to negligence as well as lies told to the government. I'm going to fight until there is no more abuse, until I can get through a day without the targeting. Until then I won't imagine I can serve God any other way. No doubt Stephanie's Niece years ago would probably have wished me to have a normal life rather than continue and lose any more.

I'm not mentally ill or paranoid or hallucinating and I don't think the perpetrators are our government, nor is it Nazi Canada yet. Most TI's believe this easy answer, it's hard not to, or in the words of one young teenage girl looking for answers in my Facebook group "I'm a military experiment.". The conspiracy against our government is clear, even to teenagers who, very differently, also suffer daily. Competent doctors have reassured me I was not ill and have explained why. Even with the amount of hospitalizations this abuse of technology has caused, I do not have any completed diagnosis of serious mental illness. Doctors express "Why haven't the police done anything." and "If you want to bring him somewhere don't bring him here, try jail." (in response to a judges 3rd party order, my favorite) and everything in between from abuse to worry and nonchalance. I am intimately aware of how falsified symptoms of mental illness are easily caused. Eventually the government will listen and if not one day the people I spoke or wrote will know this all to be true. It helps to keep in mind an aphorism, Hanlon's Razor, which states, between malice or ignorance, peoples behavior is usually simply ignorance.

Maybe your family can help you if you are honest with them sooner than later. Please do the right thing, this is important, you can help.

Stephan Theo Unrau
Information Scientist, (Expert)

Blogging a permanent record on Steemit as @mindreading
Moderating the Facebook Group Targeted Individuals Canada


PS I don't know what Marilyn (Ely) might have said to any of you but I'm sure it's not true. She simply had to win a bet and prove a point, that my so called friends were no better than she was. I think she perhaps went overboard. It feels weird to think I hope she at least had no part of any of the rape or murder, she was incredibly jealous of women she never met or heard of.