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RE: Still your President!

in #informationwar3 years ago

I'm not in fear. But you can lie about me all day and start a Joey is Afraid cult.

No need to be paranoid. I am not sure anyone would want to do that. Also, I am not Lying.

This whole thing is about Voting for President. All your other assumptions about me, are quite ridiculous to me in a funny kind of way. I call out Voting for President as a 'Fraud', and a puppet show. That makes you slap how many? 5 labels on me? You made, how many assumptions about me based on that? Can you even hear yourself do it? This is how I know you ARE in fear. It's just simple psychology. No need to dwell there, moving on.

So, lets scrap all that other stuff that is all avoiding the whole post.

Voting for President in the USA is a joke. A fraud. It is BREATHTAKING that there are still so many that are just so damn happy to do it again....
This does not mean ANYTHING ABOUT GIVING UP. Your fear, tells you it is 'giving up' me saying that hah, but how so? Looks to me like YOU have given up. Because it is folks like you that are preventing folks like me from FIXING the problem.

You think you still have a country.... You don't. It's gone. Now, if you still fight to 'save' the dead body, what will that do? Infect you?
This does not mean the end of the world. But if you ignore it and pretend that we can 'fix' something that is already gone, then you can't really help much, and actually will hinder.

But changing the world does not require all humans

Correct, but I do not think you yet realize the magnitude of our situation. I am actually not sure I want to fill you in on all that. Maybe you should just stick to your hope. I know you mean well.

So I basically agree with pretty much a great deal of what you say, except for the whole point of my post.. If you keep 'voting' for president, or any of the major offices, you are telling them that it is perfectly fine to cheat, and that those candidates are even, real, not planted there, all related to each other, scratching each others backs, keep each other out of jail......

The Key to fixing this is the 2nd Amendment. Only, it has to be USED.

You get the people to arrest the criminal. You bring them to the Sherriff. You demand the Sherriff arrest and charge the criminal for their crimes.
THE SHERRIFF CAN ARREST THE PRESIDENT. Yes. That is the power of the Sherriff. Use them. If they do not comply with your people, you get rid of the Sherriff and Elect a REAL Sherriff to DO HIS CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY.

Only then will your Votes start to Matter, again. ONLY THEN.
The 2nd Amendment is a Waste right now. A joke.
Use the people to stop the criminals, before it is too late. Which, it almost is. The vax is all she comes Food Crisis and Financial collapse..

You have the Spirt. You can use it wisely. Wise as a Serpent.

Youve been tread on.JPG


I agree, Bush was a puppet, Obama was a puppet. Rothschild and others infiltrated the left and the RINOs.

Your emphasis on Citizen Arrests or in trying to get sheriffs to arrest Biden, Obama, other people who have committed crimes, treason, espionage, insurrection, etc, is more important than voting for even Trump.

I agree people should be getting police and military to drain the swamp, to lock up enemies of the state and that is what I wrote in articles talking about exactly that. Yes. Don't tread on me snake. The spirit of liberty, 1776.

Your emphasis on Citizen Arrests or in trying to get sheriffs to arrest Biden, Obama, other people who have committed crimes, treason, espionage, insurrection, etc, is more important than voting for even Trump.

Exactly! and not just 'presidents' but all of them, governors, mayors, Senate, Congress, especially Congress!!!

And people should focus on their own bodies, their closes friendships and relationships with other humans, their houses, land, property, block, neighborhood, community, area, and then their local town, city, region, and then their county.

They must be focused on their family, their friends, people they trade with, people they do business with, employers, employees, customers, students, people they interact with, in that order roughly speaking, even before getting to state and federal level items, people should focus on local things first as much as possible.

They must drain local political swamps before anything else, work on things in their neck of the woods first and always return to it before weeds return as they generally do every so often.