
I hope they don't have it this nice, LOL! I need to do hard time where the rock hammer....


Lol its so easy to tell people who haven't been to prison, anyone who talks shit about the music at normal hours of the day would usually get their ass beat.

Music and food are the only things you will enjoy in prison, maybe the shower id you're lucky enough to have it alone.

Each room has a radio on the wall, and whistling is considered the highest offense one can commit in prison, while inside. It represents freedom, so that radio is the only source of entertainment from outside those prison walls.

I've not been...yet! But they are working hard to make me into a felon. So who knows, I may make it soon!


Lol don't do a cannabis joint, in some places that's a felony lol

It's legal here, but I only use herbals that have positive actions and effects. I use and grow quite a few, but I have seen to many bad outcomes from pot that I will avoid it entirely! Here you can grow it for presonal use, but I won't....


I smoke it everyday, it's legal here now but I am still effected from weapons bans and other things that stem back to a 2013 charge against me for possession.

Its really about moderation, I have VERY bad anger issues, the cannabis really helps with anger because it can be self prescribed by a responsible person.

I've seen it used, and I've seen it abused. I lost a roommate in Kansas City, because he began dealing to pay for what he was using oh, and ended up in the hard stuff. I've seen too much damage from it personally. There are other herbals, that can do the same thing; without the ancillary risks.

I am glad it works for you, and I'm glad you're careful with it!

My other worry related to cannabis + CBD oil is that they are claiming it will do anything. Over a hundred years ago echinacea oil was the new wonder drug. They made claims for it way past what it would do, and we ended up with the FDA as a result. Echinacea oil is the original snake oil, as a snake oil salesman made so many claims; let it drew in the federal government to regulate it. I fear CBD and marijuana sales claims, could force the same regulation on All herbals; as a direct result of inflated claims. It is a useful herb with positive treatment results, but I've seen people claim that it will cure baldness and a bunch of stuff that it has no chance of doing. This worries me!
