
was it called "camp of the saints"? ;>

That would have been perfect. It had one of those scholarly titles NAFTA & the Commercial Reciprocity Treaty of 1898 (I think or 1889): A Comparative Analysis

Under the first treaty Porfirio Diaz sold the land out from under the Campesinos forcing them into slave conditions working for the Haciendados. He sold the land to American interests, mostly railroads. I predicted that under NAFTA the land would once again get seized from the farmers and sold to the agribusinesses (Monsanto, ADM, Cargill) and the farmers would first go to Mexico City looking for work, but half of the pop is already there SO in 10 years or sooner they would all migrate to El Norte! They all laughed at me at the APSA Conference (except Ralph Nader)

always makes sense in hindsight, and I doubt that anyone laughing back then would admit it today

I checked Google Scholar to see if there were any cites, and don't see'd think there'd be a copy floating around the net somewhere

I may not have hit the title exactly I think I mentioned the Porfiriato or maybe Diaz himself by name... it's been 25 years and I'm old lol!

I know that feeling ;>

anyway, we'll know for sure by the new congress whether Trump is kabuki theatre or not...does he tolerate this election fraud, or not?

sadly, I am beginning to think not, or that it is possible that the deep state beat him.

All he has to do is declassify the docs and unseal the indictments.

I'd be dancing for joy!

Assumption A:
Trump is serious, but is still prepping lawfare battlefield;
1-waiting for more real (American, patriotic, originalist, Constituionalist) judges appointments
2-...was hoping for clear mandate in midterms to proceeed
3-clear out gope/rino trash from congress

Assumption B:
Trump was serious, but outmaneuvered by Deep State in lawfare prep
1-Backstabbed by Sleeepy Sessionzzz

Assumption C:
Kabuki theatre designed to release steam and delay while tyranny further embedded

right now I don't have a clear set of indicators towards any given assumption

and wtf is Huber up to atm???