Would You Take a Rushed COVID-19 Vaccine?

in #informationwar4 years ago


According to Newsweek, 14% of Americans would refuse a COVID-19 vaccine:


The media has sold us on fear. Congratulations to the vaccine companies that will make a killing on this. Is this a realisitic poll, or has it been manipulated to sell vaccines? The media sold us fear enough to shut down and kill the economy, now we get the rushed vaccine promise. Hope and fear, right? Emotional drugging.

I will not take a rushed vaccine. How about you?

Image from Pixabay.


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Not me. We know what the vaccine against the Mexican flu did to many. A fact is too there's no vaccine against Sars eetc but those 81% of Americans who love to ve a test rabbit for the rest of the world be my guest. Btw I think it's nonsense because even a part of the Americans must be immune or have antibodies by now and that amount will only decrease.


I will make them fire me from my job before they will jab anyone in my house.