Current views on the Covid 19 virus, some of this information will surprise you.

in #informationwar4 years ago

There is so much disinformation on the medical problems related to the Covid 19, I will try to clear up some with facts!

First, let me address the call for shut-down until full inoculations are available. We are NOT in kindergarten people! While an inoculation is a good idea to pursue, it is not reasonable. Covuid 19 is similar to the common cold, and inoculation for that has eluded medicine for a full half a century! So shutting down to wait is INSANE!

The last issue here is that the Covid 19 is, like the common cold, a moving target. It has already mutated in Texas, and we are 49 years behind on the inoculation on the First variant!

Video on the mutated Chronavirus in Houston:

This doctor is calling on 'masks' even though HE knows that is a placebo, and is relatively useless!

Article from the CDC on the Chronavirus:

Here we see that even with illegally inflated numbers on Covid 19, the CDC finds that we are not in a pandemic, in fact we are not even in an epidemic; because the number just can't support that definition.

They still rattle the bones and warn of a second wave; But they have even included people shot to death as a Covid 19 fatality! But these artificially inflated numbers will not even support the epidemic designation!

Fear over an impending second wave of cases and subsequent deaths due to COVID-19 has generated caution in reopening businesses. In the parts of the country that have reopened, however, death rates haven’t widely spiked.

Despite the United States reaching its highest single-day surge of new COVID-19 cases in recent weeks, the death rate continues to remain stagnant, relatively unaffected by the increase in diagnoses. Cases have increased for week 26 in most regions nationally, but still remain lower than peaks in March and April.

While policymakers toy with the idea of a second shutdown, the CDC is reporting a lower death rate even while COVID-19 cases are recently on the rise.

The second wave is also artificial in that testing has improved, and a lot of the 'second' numbers are people that have already had and beat the virus. Most are NOT new cases, proven by the continued reduction in fatalities.

Here are hard numbers, on the chronavirus that I published before they were willing to admit they were full of crap:

This has been Political from day one, NOT medical! The numbers we have been given, have not made sense; even from the very start! Those responsible for this, need to be jailed for professional incompetence!

NOW for the last nail in the Covid 19 coffin; NONE OF THESE actions will protect any of us from catching Covid 10! ALL of this crap is only POSSIBLY able to spread out the time of infections to avoid overload of our healthcare system. With all the errors and deliberate lies, a significant portion of our Healthcare workers were layed off, for lack of patients!

There is no excuse for this level of incompetence! Especially when it is deliberate, from taxpayer paid professionals; and is intended to do us harm! As a minimum, they need to be fired and permanently banned from public service....


Sir smithlabs! I know they are cooking the books on the infection numbers but the hospitalizations are real and increasing... at least in Texas and FL where they're swamped.

They are lying about a lot of things, All you need do is to list 100% of the admits as Covid 19. Do you personally know anyone who has Covid 19? I don't.

Everyone who will get this virus, will still get it. These lockdowns only delay that infection. It protects no one! What we should do is protect the at risk population (old and informed) while this flu runs it's course in healthy people, resulting in herd immunity build up. This will actually reduce the risk to the at risk population.

This has never been a dangerous contagion, with inflated numbers lower that the common cold. We need to take these basic precautions, then Ignore the whole thing!


Yes, the states who didn't shut down have about the same stats as the ones which did I think. Yeah I know several people who had the virus and got really sick. In fact my step-daughter had it and she said it was the worst thing she's ever had and she's been through alot of sickness...she thought she was gonna die.

Her son also got it and was deathly ill for about a week. One of the officers that Mrs. J works with had it and it was so serious that it was touch and go for a little while but he pulled through. That thing is deadly to some people.

Sorry they had problems, are they sure it was covid-19? The test is not very reliable....

They were wrong over 62% of the time! In this case it was dangerous, because they put these 62+% false positives in with the actual infected ones in a nursing home!

About a decade and a half ago, I went in the Hospital for some unneeded testing, to make my Wife happy; and caught a Nasty Flu (NOT Covid-19). I was unable to stand for a week! So there are real contagions out there, that will make young healthy people, really sick. Since kids almost never have trouble with Covid-19 (see my post on kids returning to schools) it is likely that they caught a more serious variant of flu, like I did.

Covid-19 kills by weakening the victim, so a secondary infection can provide the killing stroke; due to decreased effectiveness of older immune systems.

A Louisiana prison has an entire wing of Covid-19 prisoners. They only need supply aspirin on request. THAT was pretty weird, but they weren't old enough to be at real risk!


I keep trying to steer conversations toward "why are we not asking what is wrong with our medical industry, that they still do not have a treatment for an illness that almost 100% of us survive, after almost seven months of the entire world paying attention to nothing else?" Our medical model is a disgrace. Perhaps this fiasco will bring it down. Feels to me like more people are onto them, except of course 9999 out of 10,000 Dimmocrats. What do you think?

I spent 35 years developing new Medical tech, with dozens of patents. When obamacare hit, Medicine died; all R&D stopped in the USA. I was out of work, and the project I was testing was shelved. About 3/4 of a Million patients have died now because this single project was shelved This is assuming that our prototype results could not be improved upon. A more reasonable number would be over a million deaths.

This Covid 19 contagion is too small a problem, to be important enough to to fix.

I have given up on the FDA and 'Modern Medicine'; and I have moved totally to herbals which I am planting for myself, soon it will be the only safe medical option left! On the plus side, it works better than 'Modern Medicine' ever did.


covid 19 meme 24.jpg

You Nailed it, ROFLOL! When they showed up with simple masks, it was instantly obvious that Covid 19 was a scam.


I nate to break it to you but the rolling 7-day death rate average is going up. Talk about misinformation and incompetence. Wear a mask idiots!

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That was directed at @ubiwriter. Looks like this user got a 20 HP delegation from a friend. Should be good to go!

Okay thanks, all good here.


I 'nate' to break it to you, but here are the real (BTW...inflated) numbers from the CDC:

Based on death certificate data, the percentage of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza or COVID-19 (PIC) decreased from 6.9% during week 26 to 5.5% during week 27, representing the eleventh consecutive week during which a declining percentage of deaths due to PIC has been recorded. The percentage is currently below the epidemic threshold but will likely change as additional death certificates for deaths during recent weeks are processed.

Only a fool would rely on a mask to stop Covid 19...I know that science is apparently foreign to you, BUT the M95 mask is designed to stop 95% of the bacteria that causes Pneumonia! This bacteria is 1.2 micron in diameter, while the covid 19 is 0.1 Micron. This means that the M95 mask is totally porous to the Chronavirus, it is like trying to stop a mosquito with chicken wire....

The mask does increase moisture in the lungs, and raises CO2, while reducing O2 saturation. All these conditions make your lungs more receptive to covid 19 (the first two), or reduces your general health on the O2 Sat. This increases the chances of Covid 19 infection.

So enjoy your mask, and fear the Covid 19 boogieman, as instructed by your Masters.

I do actually wish you well!
