I just bought a new Chronavirus mask to wear to the bank, what do you think?

in #informationwar4 years ago (edited)

The bank requires masks, so I decided to get into the party mood!

After being accosted entering the bank, and being told to put on a mask by an unpleasant lady, I decided to embrace the changes.

The only requirement is that I wear a mask. I looked for an Obama mask to scare her, but they aren't very popular. Instead, I found this one for the bank, what do you think? Will the unpleasant lady gripe at me, or push the alarm button? :)

I am following the rules, at least for now. But things better relax soon, or I will change that...Here they do not have the authority to restrict our movements.

So here is my party face, to set the mood; for the 'bank party', can I count on you for bail?

It is quite comfortable, and complies with their mask rule. What could go wrong, LOL?

There is a level of irony here, that is hard to define. Apparently the risk of a dud virus is greater than that of armed bank robbers! Enough so, so that banks are providing masks for the real threat, SMH!


The mask is an improvement that's for sure.

Especially at the bank, ROFLOL! That is actually what I bought it for....

They have full face models for you too! Be blessed.


Who ever thought the banks would require masks? That's hard for me to comprehend.

They were passing the masks out. You couldn't go in without using a mask!


So the banks are requiring masks now. The one we go to doesn't even have the lobby open, it's all drive-through and if you have to meet with someone you have to make an appointment to go inside. What's your take on the science of wearing masks, or is that above your pay grade? lol.

Wearing masks will increase the chances of contacting the Covid 1984 virus!

It premoistens the lungs by rebreathing 'used' air, making them more receptive to the virus.

Rebreathing air will reduce oxygen saturation, and reduce overall health levels.


Looks good... let us know what kind of reaction you get.

I will, Hope this does well here, I may need bail money, ROFLOL! BUT, it will be interesting...I better watch the Guard I guess.


Fantastic way to go and this is just so crazy as a few months ago one would be in big trouble for wearing a mask into a bank.

Yup, and a Lady went to jail for washing hair! Tyrants on parade for sure....

I thought about using a knee high hose, ROFLOL! That might bother them even more.


I've been thinking about writing the words "Feeling stupid yet" on the outside of a mask and walking around town with it HA HA.

OUCH, I'm going to jail, great idea...NOT!

The masks make healthy people prone to catch air born contagions. It also reduces overall health by lowering Oxygen levels in the blood!


I LIKE IT! That would make a perfect 'name plate' to wear! I would have a pair to draw to....


Perfect...Strap on a couple revolvers, ride in on a horse and the scene will be set...

Add a Henry Golden Boy in a saddle scabbard, and we're there, LOL! Here, a horse is not that uncommon....


I'd ride a horse to work if it was possible. That work might be holding up stage coaches though. 🤣

Good honest work, when you find a stagecoach, LOL! There is an old west town near here where they have shoot outs on weekends, they have stagecoaches....

I think they call it Dry Gulch.

I'll help, I already have the mask, and I can borrow a couple of horses!


Dry Gulch huh? I might need to go there to find my stage coach loaded with gold! Dry Gulch isn't a very pretty name though is it? Lol.

Here when a person was bush whacked, they call it dry gulching, LOL! I am sure that entered in when they selected the name....

Come on up, I'm sure we can take them, LOL!


I'll bring my Ned Kelly helmet and we're golden!

Ned was Australia's most famous bush whacker! (Bushranger we call them here.)

Ned and the Kelly gang used iron helmets and body armour to confound the cops (troopers) when in their gunfight, their last stand. It's a good story, but it all finished with him at the end of a rope in November 1880.

His last words were, "such is life."

It's worth a google search.

Why not use an ATM?

With a mask like this???

Sometimes a Lobby is needed, sadly an ATM only dispenses $600! I hate banks anyway, trying to push all I can to crypto and metals! I am mixing in some rentals too....


What can you in a bank that you cannot do with an ATM?

I needed a thousand dollars. The ATM's only allow $600 per day. I could buy a 26 foot travel trailer for $1000, but I needed cash...Today. $600 would NOT do, BTW, I bought it.


Yeah. A trailer is a good idea.

It will give me a good base camp to pug her in, while I work on upgrading the main house!


We should continue to oppose these Evil people, at every opportunity, until we win; and we will!

We are only occupied if we give up; I refuse! But we are definitely in the end times, and the tribulation!

Just remember, They lie to us all; all the time....


I guess they cant 100% of the time, but I bet it's an accident when it happens, ROFLOL! They prefer the lie, as their best tool....
