Montana jumps off of the cliffs of the Chronavirus; to land in the broken glass, of government Tyranny!

in #informationwar4 years ago

Welcome to Montana, but remember if you try to buy any food, we will put you in jail!

Image from article:

This is the armband that Must be worn to do business in Montana!


Here is the official letter ordering this tyranny!


Article on the most recent tyranny in Montana:

While we are all under house arrest, the government in Montana has decided that the Bill Of Rights is just a suggestion, and the Constitution is just an old piece of paper! They have decided that if you want to buy small things like FOOD, you have to ask them "May I?"! If someone is travelling through this blighted State, you can be arrested for buying food...THEY DO NOT HAVE THE AUTHORITY!

In what might be one of the most over-the-top and draconian responses to coronavirus yet seen in Montana, Valley County is mandating that people wear government-issued pink arm bands in under to purchase products inside of stores.

Constitutionally, Federal troops need to be ordered in to protect shoppers in Montana, from the State! They do NOT have the authority to do this, and they should be Stopped.

They think they can can decide who can transact business? We were Warned about this in Revelations; this can NOT be allowed to stand!


Now what does that remind me of...?

The parallels between socialists in 1930s Germany, and todays socialists here; should scare the hell out of any intelligent person! There isn't a nickels difference, same hate snd lust for total control.

This 'letter' could have been written by Nazis...oh was, SMH!


Wow that is crazy 😠

Petty tyrants seem to love the Chronavirus! Montana obviously has its share....

I am stunned that they are allowing this to go on there, they are usually pretty independent there!


I don't know anything about politics in Montana, I just assumed they were more conservative than that.

I thought they were too, but I am disappointed with them for allowing this! Real bad to see, people need to stand UP and yell NO MORE!

The protest here yesterday helped this pantywaist mayor decide to reopen Tulsa because he wants to keep his job....


lol..oh well that's good they Okies protested. I think parts of Texas are too. I think businesses will just open back up and people will start going back to work, they can't stop them if enough do it. People know it's worth the risk in most situations.

Enough is Enough! I am TIRED of these tyrannical idiots, it is time to fire them all....

Let's get back to WORK!
