
Ok? Does that mean I watched it because he made it two weeks ago?

"Jesus fuckin christ @unorgmilitia" I am not on this chain very much as I have a lot of real life stuff to do.

I will take a listen though now that you brought it to my attention.

And also, I've been saying these things for years and so have others.

"Jesus fuckin christ"


Luv you.. Mean it!! <3

I noticed - it was just after I posted the quote originally on one of my posts - coincidence?

I have an enitre book about DPOS. I've got at least 20 fully written post about it that still need to be edited and organized. Some of my writing is years old. I did see your post about DPOS, it had all the same critics that are not new. Just to be clear my DPOS post (I have many published throughout my years as a creator) wasn't in anyway a response to your post. With that said, happy to debate anytime if you want.