
Interesting post @zyx066. Generally agreeing with your position on ads, in our home we solve this problem very simply. For the limited time we watch TV, we mute the commercials. And talk to each other, while we wait for whatever we're watching to come back on ... 😊

Once home from vacation, I'll try to carve out some time to watch some of the links you've shared.

Keep posting! 👍

Didn't realize you were on vacation, @roleerob. I sure hope you and your family are having a great time :-) And I'm honored you even now find the time to grace my blog with a visit! Have a great vacation!

Great post, Roger, ehrmm, Winston :) By the end of the day it works to please someone's imagination and tackle with his or her hidden desires. And also creates tons of working positions on the way. So, It's not the worst type of lie, right?

Thank you, @coinjive, for stopping by and leaving this comment; I appreciate that so much :-)

And also creates tons of working positions on the way. So, It's not the worst type of lie, right?

Well, I don't know what "the worst type of lie" is really. I guess one of the worst type is the lie we almost all believe to be true. We are now living in an economy that's based on some of those lies; the need for everyone to have a job is one of them. We're in a point in history when tons of jobs are about to disappear: all employed in transport better start looking for something else as the self driving trucks and cars are about to take over. My job will be taken over by some type of A.I. And so on. This isn't a bad thing per se, it's only a bad thing if your economic model demands from every individual to have a paying job. Isn't the goal of progression that we have tol spend less time surviving? We clearly don't believe that. Why not, I wonder?

Well, I'd say the worst type of lie is the one that impacts your happiness and mental health directly. Like lying to yourself and being in unbeneficial relations/ marriage or abuse drugs etc. Ads just tend to create and emotion, a desire toward something (maybe not the best things like processed foods in McDonalds but not toward the worst of the worst - like creating intend to kill or something).

When ads just started in a way it destroyed some industries and create some. (Destroying and creating new working positions accordingly)

So yeah, maybe ai will destroy the demand in some people, but create request for people who will make those ai smarter, faster, safer etc.

It's a neverending evolution of society and economy. We gonna be fine!

Great one

Thank you, @akashas, for visiting and for the support; I'm glad you liked the post ;-) Hope to see you back here in the future :-)

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Wow, thanks so much for the support! And thank you @openparadigm, I'm honored by your appreciation for my ramblings ;-)

Your welcome, it was a good article! @openparadigm