The Pursuit of Perfectionism

in #innerblocks5 years ago
To some extent, both of my parents were perfectionists, each in their own different ways and such habits were entrenched into me during my childhood. It was always emphasized that we do our very best at any job we were given, and we were taught to never give up.

With that in mind, I usually try to do more than post a photo of a pretty flower and say that it is a photo I took. I try to identify the flower accurately and tell my readers a little about it. It bothers me when I can't identify a flower, at least by its common name if not the scientific name, too.

But this teeny little flower, small as it is, has bested me. I have been trying for several years to figure out what this small bloom is, but with no luck! So...

if anyone knows, please tell me in the comments!


The flowers are white, or perhaps a little off-white. The petals come out of the receptacle in an elongated, trumpet-shape before curling outward on the ends. The leaves are lance-shaped (or "lanceolate" in proper botanica terms) and grow opposite each other from the plant's stem.

I held one of the plant's stalks between my index finger and thumb, partly to steady the the little thing for the photo, and partly for size comparison. These are the the smallest little flowers I think I have ever seen!


The following photo shows the entire plant on which the flowers are blooming. It is like a miniature shrub! To get an idea of the small size, note the moss to the left, and the round acorn marked in the lower-right of the photo.


So, yes, if you know what this is, please let me know! I have spent a good bit of time examining images on BING and Google image search, and thumbing through my books of wildflowers, all with no results.

ThanksForReading--Pink.png 😊





I had a look using an app that I have and this is what I found

Let me know if you think it's a match 😀

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It looks like a match to me! What is the name of that app please?

Woohoo! It's called picture this.

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thank you!

THANK YOU so much!!! You have, indeed, done a big service in helping to identify this little plant! Thanks to your help, I now know the genus is definitely Houstonia, and can begin narrowing my search down to the most-likely possibilities of:

  • Houstonia canadensis
  • Houstonia longifolia
  • Houstonia purpurea

This is so exciting to finally begin to have a grip on the identification of this delightful little thing! Thank you so much for responding to the post and for your assistance! You totally rock!!! 😃 🙌 💛

You are so welcome! I'm happy to have helped you out 😁 Enjoy the next steps in your adventure 😊

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So simple and elegant. So tiny. Beautiful pictures @thekittygirl. Great that @foxyspirit was able to answer your question.

I completely understand about being a perfectionist, wanting to give as much information as possible. I have a huge tendency to do that. I have to remind myself that it is ok not to be perfect all of the time. I know I am not, but I always strive to be better.

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Not a clue what they are. I hope you find an answer.

As far as perfectionist goes I use to be really into that life. Now my second or third best is more times than not 99% better than most. So I stop stressing so much over the remaining 1%. Can get a lot more done in life as well!

Hello there!

I understand the part where you have to everything exceptionally but sometimes, being yourself might be the greatest gift you can do for you.

sometimes I was told being a perfectionist but actually I'm not because I hate exploring thing's it's hard to know. lol

sorry no idea kitty. hehe

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Pretty little flower sort of like a Japanese snowbell. I really don’t know. 😊

I have an app you scan the flower and get all the info you need

I hope you manage to satisfy the perfectionist bug on this one! I hated it when something is 99.9%, not 100% but I have managed to tame the beast over time and it's far less stressful (and you will still have high standards of work even at 90 or even 80%) 🙂

Lovely pictures

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The perfectionist in me needs to know now!!!!

Le sigh...

I would have said while bellflowers, but no. And I think I know which ones you are talking about. They are little white wildflowers is what I call them. That almost satisfies the perfectionist in me. Almost.

Yeah, no.

I hope you find the name and then, you can share it with me! :)


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I have no idea but it looks pretty

You sound frustrated not finding what these delightful little flowers are, I have the same problem identifying some plants.

Living on another continent I doubt it would be one of our tiny little blooms, good luck with finding assistance with the identification.

I have no idea what they might be called. They make me think of the most beautiful little blue flowers that appear in spring on our sidewalks. I also have no idea what they are, but I do ofthen wish they were slightly bigger because they are just so beautiful. Hope your curiosity is satisfied.

I use an application that I love, to know the name and all the information of importance of plants that I do not know, "PlantSnap" maybe I can serve you, I have it downloaded in my cell phone.
On the other hand, I consider that each of us is always looking for perfection in something, usually in what we love or what we like the most.

my goodness they are super tiny! and so delicate!!! :)

if you figure out what they are - you'll have to tell us all on #pypt - because now of course we will ALL need to know! hahahaha

ohhhhh see that - you already have a comment with the answer hehehhe

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@thekittygirl wow I love those tiny flowers. Try using an android app called plantnet.. you take a pic with it and upload it and sometimes it figures out what it is. Heard this on #pypt

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that plantnet app is amazing, try it...

and thanks for sharing on #pypt

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Ah, the life of a perfectionist. ;) Sometimes we need a little help from our friends. Glad I saw this on #PYPT!

Saw it on the evening edition and totally agree🤗

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I use Picture This all the time @thekittygirl, my girlfriend loves plants so I need to be on my game everyday 😁

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Well I learned the name of the plant from the comments you received, plus the names of a couple of apps that help to identify plants. Yea!

Any post that begins with the pursuit of perfectionism deserves my vote. This is a perfect post too, in all its imperfection. Love the flower!

I already it, but of course since it was posted in #PYPT I'm going to comment

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What a sweet little flower @thekittygirl! And hooray for @foxyspirit for solving the mystery :)

Ditto what @lynncoyle1 said! 😊

flower growing.gif

geez I've missed you :)

haha I LOVE Wonderwoman :)

Woohoo 😄

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You said it!!

Awesome pictures, @thekittygirl! And wonderful information too!

Howdy thekittygirl! What a wonderful little flower and the photos are great! You always do an amazing job on your posts!

Thanks for sharing on Pimp Your Post Thursday

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