Health Is Priceless

in #innerhive4 years ago



Did you know?
Your kidney is as important as your heart and brain, give it the care it deserves; drink water. The renal or excretory or urinary system is one of the important systems in the body that cleanses and helps us to stay healthy.

A lot of people fall victims of previous renal disorders due to practices that are considered unsafe for the kidney which is the principal renal organ.

Renal hygiene simply explains those lifestyle patterns that keeps our kidney and renal system healthy. The most common of them is Drinking Water, liberally.

You may believe that drinking a lot of water causes excess urination, let me quickly tell you that kidney disease is the nightmare you don't want to experience, yes drink as much water as you can, by so doing, it flushes out toxins from our body from time to time. Let me quickly remind you of the dangers and the need to avoid highly caffeinated drinks that task the kidney without rehydrating it. Do not wait until you are thirsty before drinking water.

You should also drink water as many times as you can remember, it flushes the toxins out. You should know that who take drugs and alcohol indiscriminately that they are mortgaging their liver and kidney, in my line of work, I have seen people expend their savings treating kidney diseases with no positive result.

Don't be that person who spends his own money to buy himself sickness. Be health conscious. Tell someone to tell someone today to add renal hygiene to their way of life so as to increase life expectancy and stay healthy.

Drink water, its as free as the air you breathe in.

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