Sending out Love..Only Love..

in #inspiration6 years ago

Be kind to yourself. Embrace yourself. Give
to yourself tender mercy and forgiveness.
You are a child of God, a part of the divine
that connects all. Give yourself all that you
would give to another and may it be done
in Love, always Love..

-April Peerless
Earth was created for all of us,
not some of us..

-Anthony Williams

Pleasure is always derived from something outside you,
whereas joy arises from within..

_Eckhart Tolle
The best things in life are unexpected
because there were no expectations.

-Eli Khamarov
Collect moments not things,
when all is said and done,
beautiful moments are
your true treasures..

  • April Peerless
    A strong person is able to admit that they bleed just like everybody else. A strong person will not let life harden their hearts. A strong person will never take kindness for weakness because they understand what that feels like. A strong person is willing to stay kind and forgiving and try to be wiser spiritually rather than just worldly. I say to all the worlds truly strong people,”Keep going, keep loving and stay strong!”

-April Peerless

The wound is the place
where the Light enters you.

-Beloved Rumi
Always have compassion.. People who have compassion
are so beautiful. Let us not forget also, to be
compassionate with ourselves.

-April Peerless

May your day be filled with love and light.. xx


April! It's been forever! Great post!

thank you :)