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RE: The best steemit tips for my dear followers and all steemit users !

Steemit, at it's best, is a microcosm for a great society as a whole :) Here, as in the real world, we should each strive to be the best, most authentic, generous, kind and encouraging person we can each be. By adding value to one another we each have the opportunity to shine bright.

I loved your post reminding folks how to succeed on Steemit and am happy that after 7 months here yourself things are working for you.

I am an artist/writer/lightworker and still relatively new here. Please feel free to pop by mine and let me know what you think.

I wish you continued success throughout 2018 and beyond.



thanks for very good comment, I am happy when I meet such people on steemit, I wish you good luck, keep posting and have fun. ☺