Introducing Ourselves

in #introduce2 years ago

Ringggggggg....... Ringgggggg...... Ringggggggggg.......

Hello?? Hellooo\????
How do you do??

We are here to introduce ourselves. We are three sisters who loves nature, cooking, art, sketching, painting and many other activities of this sort.
There should be no "must" for art because it is free for everyone and one can spend his/her leisure time in an efficient way by doing sketching,painting etc.

                                              "I was created to create."

Painting is a very interesting art. We just like..... loveeeee.. painting. You just need a brush, some paints, a canvas, and lots of ideas in your minds so that you can make a masterpiece. We paint natural scenes, trees, plants etc. We hope you will enjoy our paintings.

Photography is also one of the arts that we like. One of us takes really artistic photos. We take photos of nature and insects. Also on weddings or other functions, people ask my sister to take their pictures. They allll... like the pics taken by her a lot.

                            "A photograph shouldn't be just a picture, it 
                                           should be a philosophy"

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We also really like cooking, and baking, making drinks, cocktails etc. Two of the sweet things that we really love to bake are bake are cake and doughnuts. We also make karahi, pulao, biryani and other dishes of this kind. All our relatives and family members really love the dishes made by us.

                "You don't have to cook fancy and complicated masterpieces_
                                     just good food from fresh ingredients."

Me, in person, i like doing sketching. I started sketching by watching youtube videos and sketching along with them. But now i have made a notebook in which i sketch random things so that i can improve it.

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If you are with the three of you why not open an free account all 3 Ecency has a free sign up !

We are students that's why we are running a single account, so that we can post more oftenly.

We saw problems before when there is a joined account but it was just a warning good luck with all you do

OK. Thanks!

So with 5 days in hive how is it going ?