A few words about me...

in #introducemyself • 6 years ago (edited)

Who am I ? 🤔


Hi there, my name is Luke. I am 24 years old ordinary guy. I was born in a beautiful city on the coast of the Adriatic Sea that you have to visit at least once in your life. It's called Å ibenik. By profession I am a technical artist but I've been working in the French Army for three years as a paratrooper. I like life, humor, people, sport, animals and I have many hobbies...


What can you expect from me?

I think I have an interesting life, and I'll post photos, videos, and travel stories. There will be various things from life, humor, architecture, nature, sports ... Basically anything funny and interesthing!
I hope to inspire you, entertain you and meet some cool new friends :)

Sry if i made some grammatical mistakes :P



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