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RE: A difficult introduction

in #introducemyself7 years ago

@finnian Thanks for the nice welcome and length comment! To answer your question about what games do I play... I mostly play World of Warcarft and I've played that since it came out and I've put the most time into it. I play with my 19 year old son and 14 year old daughter. Sometimes I joke around saying "a family that games together stays together." :) I also will play Smite, Dota2, League of Legends and I used to play Guild Wars, Warhammer, Diablo and pretty much whatever else my friends was playing. I pretty much always go back to WoW tho. Do you play any games yourself? Yeah I saw you had a post about verification so when I get home tomorrow I defiantly will take a bit more at your postings. I do know that a lot of images can be faked... Yeah I think I went a bit over board with my verification pictures. Haha! At first I was going to do just the first introduction post but then I was like I should really do a post about how many different pictures I had taken and different signs and the trouble I had with finally deciding on one. Thanks for saying I am the real deal. I defiantly strive to show who I am!

When you say you are a residential security expert do you mean in computer security or like security guard type of work? That is cool you are a PI. I am very skilled at researching people and things and finding tons of information. Sometimes people joke and say I do better research than the FBI. I am also really into genealogy so it really goes along with helping my research skills.

Thanks for the advice on the bots and checking account reputations. I will certainly follow your advice on that. I know everything is public on steemit as it is forever stored in the blockchain.

Yeah I know you can add pictures to a post directly from the built in steemit tool. I will have to use it some and figure it out. Also many thanks for the useful links you've provided me and I will check them out and bookmark them for future reference. :)

I've also followed you in return! Thanks for following me and telling me all this. When I can I will check out the chat site and look you up sometime. Is there a iOS client for it. I know there is eSteem.
Anyhow goodnight and I'll chat with you later!


The webpage for should work on an Apple product without any issue.

Residential security as in physical security for houses. Most people who study physical security do it for corporate customers since the pay is way higher (1K/Day). I'm not in this for the money those. My objective is to help people secure their homes and properties. Think barriers, lighting, cameras, alarms, etc. Some of my earlier posts begin to introduce the concepts.

Depending on what state you are in, you should consider becoming a PI. Many states make it difficult unless you are former LEO, but some states like Virginia allow anyone who takes a state controlled training course eligible.