The sky is the limit

in #introducemyself3 years ago (edited)

As an artist there a lot of "kid" still inside me. But one of the things I love the most is "the wondering". I'm wondered by nature all the time. For instance, how nature can give shape to air in the skies. I end up making a lot of pictures of the sky because of that.

"Layers in the sun" Shot on a Canon 400D with 18-55mm kit lens.

Obviously I edited this picture to make the sun look like it was painted in different colored layers. But I don't always alter natures work in post-production. Sometimes you can get a story right out of the camera. Even if it is a kind of threatening one.

"Shadowfire" Shot on a Canon 400D with 18-55mm kit lens.

You can't see the sun anymore, but obviously it is still there behind the trees, that are actually placed on a slope. This pictures was taken around the same time of day as the first one, but whereas "Layers in the sun" gives me a calm and dreammy vibe, I gat on edge with this one.

Sometimes I'm just being stupid and I "use" mother nature as my test subject, for which she is very willing. I shot this one as a try-out to use mij BMPCC6K as a photography camera.

Shot on a BMPCC 6K with a 16mm Samyang Optics Lens

I don't know what I think of it as a photography camera yet. It has some problems in the lower shutter-speeds, but compared to my Pentax's crop-sensor it's super 35 packs some more punch and the dynamic range is a plus.

What do you guys think?

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