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RE: Introducing myself! Come and say hi to this minnow :)

You must have so many stories to tell from all your travels. Upvoted and followed. I'm American but I lived in Europe for some time. While working at a pizza place years ago, some of my colleagues were from Pakistan. We had great fun cracking jokes as we made pizzas! As a newbie myself, I intend to post about my journey as I begin developing documentaries on the empowerment of women around the world with the belief that men and women can stand strong together, but I'll also be posting fiction and topics of personal interest, like my family's connection to an infamous serial killer and a royal family. Lots of love, @aescholer


Hey @aescholer, great to see your post. I see me and you are on the same reputation score of 34 :) Glad you had some Pakistani friends. Where did you live in Europe? Men and women can definitely stand strong together as they complement each other, its a great topic for documentaries. Wow, hope to see your posts on the ''serial killer'' and ''royal family'' topics soon :P Happy to follow you and read more about you. I definitely have lots and lots of anecdotes to share about my travels, so stay tuned. See you soon!