Hello steemit society!!!

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

I have already started to write a few article but what I should have done since I once join steemit community is to introduce myself thus this blog is to tell u more about myself. I apologise for the bad grammar in advance( not the language type of person)

A little bit of my background
I was born on December 1996 which makes me soon to be 21. I was born in one of my ideal country to live in ,KUALA LUMLUR, MALAYSIA. Well I would love to talk more about my hometown but I'll leave that for next time. My parents are both local with both side of my grandparents as China origins.

My education
Like most children I started off my education in pre school, I later went to a government Chinese school for my primary education. Later on I start secondary education in a government school but was transfer to a private secondary school. Now I just finished tertiary education with a diploma in culinary arts. During my primary school time I had problem reading and spelling, later on I was diagnose with dyslexia and ocd which affected my life in secondary school. I was bullied a lot because I was different from other. That was actually one of the reason I got transferred. The other reason is simply private school teacher are more patient and understands my problem.

Work life
Right after graduating, I quickly search for a job. I worked in two bakery over one year and desided to go into another direction. I became a life planner. I will also talk more about this in the future.

Obviously cooking and baking. Hanging out with family

Everyone have different opinion, thus respecting their believe.
The world is your mirror, how u present yourself to other is how other will present to you. Always smile!!! Simple greetings can change someone's day.

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Welcome to Steemit !

Welcome to Steem @alandefong I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Hello, Alandefong, In case this has been your first Introdusemyself Post i'm here to welcome you to Steemit. I hope you have a lot of fun here and you may follow me. Have a great time @rightuppercorner

Nice to meet you, @alandefong! Welcome to the Steemit Community, wish you good luck and a good start, ive send you a small tip and followed you, hope you have an amazing day! :)

@alandefong Thanks for sharing. Love it.

Hey @alandefong, Welcome to the steemit community. This link should get you started https://steemit.com/steemit/@thecryptofiend/how-to-get-noticed-if-you-are-a-new-user-on-steemit.

Feel free to ask me any question you have. I would love to help if i can.

Would be super happy if you follow me @kingbach I follow back. We can grow together. Thank you

welcome onboard steemit and also #teammalaysia .... always good to see new steemians from malaysia here .

Hello.... Welcome to steemit n team malaysia ......i m also from malaysia .....heheh .... Nice to meet u :)

Interesting read! I looked at your profile and noticed that you have made a fresh account so I'm feeling generous. Have an upvote and maybe upvote some of my stuff too!
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