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RE: Hello steemit!

Thank you very much!
I know, it's a shame some english dubs are just bad. I think it's gotten alot better the last few years, but the japanese dub is still by far better than the english and let me tell you some of the german dubs will make your ears bleed.:)
Here is my top 5 Anime to watch:

  1. Death Note
  2. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
  3. Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion
  4. Hunter x Hunter
  5. Erased (Boku dake ga Inai Machi)

I have watched parts of Death Note. Love Brotherhood. A friend of mine suggested Hunter x Hunter, just never found the time to start watching it. Bleach is still one of my favorites. My daughter is going to be named Nelliel. Thanks for the suggested watch list! I will check out the ones that I haven't had a chance yet. (If I ever get a chance, lol)