Hello World! Meet BOMB Token, the World's First Hyper-Deflationary Cryptocurrency! πŸ‘‹πŸΌπŸ’£

in #introduceyourself β€’ 5 years ago (edited)

Whether you like it or not, the currency you are holding is inflationary.

In some cases, like STEEM, decentralized inflation can be a good thing. But in most cases, well, inflation just straight up SUCKS. Just ask somebody from Venezuela. Or literally anybody who has been around to see their fiat currency decline in spending power. Nobody likes to see their hard-earned money lose value just because some scumbag bankers wanted to print more money. It's a hidden tax. And what is happening in Venezuela (hyper-inflation) CAN and WILL happen in every other country, too.

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Enter $BOMB, stage left.

BOMB is the world's first Hyper-Deflationary currency. Allow me to explain how the immutable smart contract running it works.

In the beginning, there was 1,000,000 BOMB Tokens.

There will never be any new BOMB Tokens created.

Each time BOMB is transferred, some of them EXPLODE forever (1% of the transaction).

There are no decimals, so if a fraction of a BOMB explodes, the whole token explodes.

Here are some examples:

Bob sends 100 BOMB to his friend Suzy. 1 BOMB is destroyed and Suzy receives 99 BOMB.

Suzy sends 250 BOMB to her friend Sara. 3 BOMB are destroyed and Sara receives 247 BOMB.
(1% of 250 is 2.5 and like I said, there can be no fractions of a BOMB Token)

Sara FOMOs-out and sends 10 BOMB to an exchange. 1 BOMB is destroyed and her account receives 9 BOMB.
(There is always at least 1 BOMB that gets burned from each transaction)

As you can tell, BOMB's Primary Mission is to be 100% a STORE OF VALUE. This is NOT designed to be a payment currency. It is meant to be HODL'd for as long as you can possible HODL it. Every day, hundreds of BOMB tokens are burned, meaning the supply is steadily decreasing, every time any tokens are sent around.

Check out this chart to see what the end-game is:

Screen Shot 2019-06-10 at 10.36.10 AM.png

But wait, won't ALL BOMB Tokens be destroyed eventually??

That is extremely unlikely. In fact, there are probably already some people who have forgotten about, or lost their BOMB Tokens somehow. And it would only take 1 HODLER for BOMB to stay around. There is a huge incentive to NEVER SELL or even MOVE your BOMB Tokens. As the price goes up, it will become even more expensive to move them. Keep in mind that NOBODY is guaranteeing that the price will go up forever. There is no way to guarantee that and it wouldn't be legal to promise.

Where can I learn more??

So glad you asked! First off, you can ask any questions you may have here, in the comments. There is also our website, our twitter page, and our reddit page!

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So is there an airdrop or a faucet?

There was an airdrop a while back but the window on that has closed. So now you need to buy it from an exchange (it’s only available on Mercatox and DDEX so far).

How to buy your bombs for steem? How much keep devs?

The community wallet (which is to distribute to people who submit proposals) has about 116,000 tokens, and I can’t vouch exactly for how much the developers have, I think it’s around 20,000-30,000 but if you look at Etherscan, it will be pretty easy for you to see how much exactly.

Also, there is no Steem pairing yet, you need to buy it with either bitcoin or ethereum on Mercatox or DDEX if you want some.

I want some bomb tokens. How can i get some easily? I use an android phone not a laptop or pc.

Good question. I want bomb token too.

You need to buy them from an exchange. Right now they are only available on Mercatox and DDEX.

Drop Bombs on'em! Salute and welcome to Steemit loving the whole bomb concept! Salute



this is a great idea

Glad to hear you like it! They are burning quickly!

Bomb tokens sounds pretty enticing.

Posted using Partiko Android

It's a pretty explosive concept!

I am not checked in for a while... I see advertising on the posts now. Is that a good thing? Does it support the Steem dollar? Thanks Brian

Steemit.com now has advertising, yes. If you don't like seeing advertisements on Steemit.com you can turn on ad-blocker, or you can use another front-end to view the Steem blockchain with. And yes, the ads are funding Steemit INC.

Hello, Welcome to Steemit πŸ•Š πŸ•Š 🦜

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Posted using Partiko Android

Welcome bombtoken!
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Welcome to Steem bombtoken! Partiko is officially the fastest and most popular mobile app for Steem. Unlike other Steem apps, we take 0% cut of your earnings! You can also be rewarded with Partiko Points while using Partiko and exchange Partiko Points for upvotes!

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Welcome to steemit @bombtoken.

Welcome the new steemians. Have a great day!

Hello @bombtoken

Welcome to Steem i wish you luck and success.
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Feel free to ask anything you want. i will be happy to help you

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