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RE: Know about my 1 month experience & increasing reputation 25 to 56

Sorry , I have to do this.
If you think I am wrong , feel free for a discussion.


I was one of the first to comment on the post unaware it was a scammer at the time. I thought whales are here help new users with the purpose of growing and supporting this community, not punish a new user for something they were unaware of. Clearly i was mistaken.

You need to Taste my Flag to able to Earn from me.
Thanks for the Reply.
You Rep is up by 4

Thank you.

Thank you for What?

Sound Like this is Your Second Account!

For changing your mind.

No, I'm busy enough with the life i'm living.

This is my only account, i didn't think it was possible to have additional accounts.

Thank you for the Rep. I don't understand how a flag earned me 4 Rep, I still have a lot to learn about this platform.

If this is what you consider an appropriate welcome to a new user ...
I don't question to educate him about scam and such. But not on day 2 and not like that.

Why do you have to do this? Is there any need for flaggin innocent new Steem Users? I also disagree with that kind of behavior!

Posted using Partiko Android

A Nuke was Ordered into this Post.
After further Investigation.

  • Don't be A Bystander and just commenting . A Blast is A Blast!
  • Don't Like It , Please Stay Out!

I believe @masterthematrix was talking about the flag you had on @vampyremike at the time. His comment is not a reply to the post, but to your comment sayingthis to a newcomer:

Sorry , I have to do this.
If you think I am wrong , feel free for a discussion.

@masterthematrix wasn't fighting to protect @maria99, he was fighting to protect @vampyremike.