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RE: Introducing my nomad self in pictures and words

in #introduceyourself5 years ago

I just scrolled through these. you are a very interesting human. traveled and cool hobbies. looking fwd to more content from you. It might be out there, but i really think you should consider posting some videos on dtube. about me. maybe some couple challenges with your girl. skateboarding.

In regards to what you posted on my video about the evolution of steemit. I think what is most interesting about Steemit (although the UI upgrades you suggested would be dope) I truly believe Ned has a bigger vision. I know he does not talk about it with the public and share a lot about it. But i do think he has a plan. I think what is dope about steemit is that I can earn bitcoin and build an audience doing what I would do for no money on YouTube.


Thanks @elima, I appreciate it ! Hopefully you are right about Ned and it is a good plan, is he the sole owner of steemit?

I've tried to post the same video on dtube 2-3 times in the last weeks but it just refuses to do the last publishing for some reason, maybe some bug in my Chrome (but it is latest version), I also had issues on some other sites that @essen does not have, very strange. But those issues worked in maxtor browser, so maybe I'll try d-tube with that. Strange, since chrome worked for my first two videos.

For now to get somewhere I will probably post some YouTube videos on here and then we will see, posted one just now. Good idea with couple challenges, might try that, looks fun! :)