
I am only helping to start this "help fellow newbies" circle by organizing, reaching out and jump start it with my vote power and SBD in #ccc and in Pay it forward contest - please see my posts.
All the best!

That's a great thing to do! Everyone needs a little help when starting out! Thanks, same to you!

I posted one as an example. Click on #ccc to find it. This tag can be a second or third tag if you wish.
Also, this could help newbies, the right ones, to get discovered. I am featuring a few in the pay it forward contest, and so can you - and for rewards. Please see mine. I'll also help you with putting an entry together if you like - it is really simple and rewarding.
All the best!

Thanks @freedomshift for the link, it's great what you're doing! All the best to you too :)

Thank you @elstheardentblog - as in the post, join any day and stop if you like.
All you have to do is to use the tag #ccc and follow the example (okay to just copy the footnote) and get it started. Please share this with your friends, newbie or not, so that all can help newbies that can abide the honor code, the creed.
I'll help all who uses the #ccc tag.
All the best!

You have been invited to:
"6.9.18 Saturday (or Cat-turday - 😺 meow) To Launch or Not to Launch - that is the Question! Upvotes and Prizes 🏆🏅🐬 🐟 Give-away" - please click on #ccc to find the post.
All the best!

Brilliant, thanks very much @freedomshift