Chronicles of an Inveterate Llanera


texto Hello, Good morning, thank you for your good morning. It is a pleasure to greet you on this dark day that did not go out of light, Hive users. I hope you find yourself chilling.

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As you can see, this is my first post, and my intention today is to introduce myself to you. Short, to the point, and to the point. So come on, vamoh a daleh. *My name is Maruchita, but you can call me Maruchan, I'm 25 years old. I am from Venezuela, more specifically from Barinas pal mundo, a small cattle state of this beautiful beloved homeland, many times the services fail, but here we continue to give masterballs.


I am an Engineer in animal production, in fact, it could be said that it is the right career for where I am geographically present. I hope to continue my studies later and also become a Veterinarian. I really like clothing, history, romanticism, animals, video games and music.


I love sexual topics and I am very investigative regarding many topics that involve pleasure and self-demand in general. It entertains me to talk what others don't, to get to places in the mind where they don't have the slightest idea of what the being is and why to form a being. I got to know Hive thanks to a little girl who encouraged me, giving me encouragement that "it was perfect for content creation" due to my wide imagination and assertiveness in interpersonal relationships, I really feel happy to be and belong to this community, I hope to be able to instruct them and let myself be instructed by broader people in knowledge. Here I mention it @youngmusician.


I consider myself a very extroverted person, who talks up to his elbows and loves to integrate those who find it difficult to have an environment of trust, although at the same time I feel trapped in "romance in D sustained" which focuses on the irony of an individual who, despite being a passionate romantic and having dedicated countless songs to love, he is trapped in unhappiness and loneliness; Rather than being a depressing subject, it seems to me a paradox of having a lot of love to give, but not finding someone who values their art and their ability to love. 'I would love to fall, not just stumble' underlines the desire to find true and deep love, as opposed to superficial and fleeting disappointments.


Last but not least, sometimes I consider myself to be euphemists and practice rambling for the greater good, things well explained make you feel more comfortable and identified. I hope that on this journey that I am beginning to travel, I can get along with you, interact, learn and enjoy the authenticity of the content, because this is a crucial reason why I started to consider Hive: it is a place where copyright is respected, the authenticity of the content is respected, and where people can express their ideas freely. I hope to enjoy posts related to my tastes, also to offer something enjoyable and in accord, not applied in trivialities (or maybe a little in some cases) because I am happy about the well-being of others. Without anything else to add, I hope you enjoyed this presentation. I am attentive to your recommendations or suggestions, which I would greatly appreciate. 🤡 ###### ***~~Good morning, good afternoon and if I don't see you then good night! ~~*** See ourselves in the mirror.
