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RE: The Bitcoin Family is BALLIN towards Steemit !

Welcome to Steemit, @didtaihuttu! You have such an interesting story, I am so glad to give you a follow and keep track of your adventure!

I am pretty active in the @DLive community and we would love to see any videos or livestreams you have! Give that a consideration, if you have any questions drop by their discord server at:

Also, I started an account ( @dlive24hour ) and I created a weekly gaming and non-gaming schedule.

If you have any questions regarding DLive or Steemit, please drop by my discord server at:!

I can't wait to see how you do here on Steemit!


Thanks so much eric for these nice words. I just joined the Dlive discord and will start figuring our what it is and what i can do. Appreciate your support and the invite 🙏🏼