The Freewrite House is Open!

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)


Day 1

What is Freewrite House?

I am so glad you asked!!

@freewritehouse is a place you all want to come to and follow! Exciting things are about to happen on this page! And you want to come back and check on us every day.

“ That doesn’t answer my question,” you say.

And you are right. It didn’t. But you know how it is when excitement can’t hold back.

“Just the facts, please!!”

The Facts

Almost 150 days ago, the freewrite daily prompt started on the page of @mariannewest. In the early days, only a few people used the prompt as their writing exercise.

Before long, the numbers grew and grew and grew. Now, almost 5 month later, almost 300 writers have participated in the 5-Minute Freewrite and many are writing every single day.

Through reading and commenting on each others posts, many friendships have been formed and so many people started to care deeply about this freewrite phenomena. It had morphed from a daily writing exercise to a community of writers of all levels who have each other’s best interest in mind.

Now, a small band of die hard freewriters decided to come together and become hosts of what we are presenting to you today.

Drumroll please!!!

Introducing the…



We have many fun activities planned for you!!!

During the next couple of weeks, you will find out about many of them in depth.

Contest and opportunities to win all kinds of things are going to be a big part of the Freewritehouse activities.

Stay tuned to this page and read much more about this in the next 14 days.

Your Freewrite House Hosts

11 of us set out on the journey to create this group. We plotted, we paused, we thought and we talked.

The result: We come up with lots of fun ideas for all - seasoned and brand new freewriters alike.

Well, we think they are fun. But you have to be the judge and tell us what you think.

Here are the plotters and planners in no particular order: @mariannewest @brisby @wandrnrose7 @byn @simgirl @snook @deaconlee @omra-sky @marcoriccardi @improv @f3nix - a couple are not sure if they are going to continue - but this is the original group.

You Tell Us!

For a Chance to Win a Membership in Steem Basic Income

Update: 8 PM pacific time, 3/16. The contest for this post is now closed.

Please go to a more recent post for more chances to win. We still love to read your comments on this post.

Steem Basic Income
Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content.

This is what you have to do for your chance to win a membership:

  • Leave us a comment
  • Which has something to do with this post
  • Is at least 50 words

We will let you know if your comment is accepted and give you a number.
36 hours after publishing of this post, we will close the contest and draw the winner through a random number generator.
The winner will be announced and sponsored the same day.

Watch this space. There will be a daily chance to win for the next 14 days - and maybe longer.

Join the Freewrite daily prompt here

And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

There are 2 pages

This is exciting! I may not be able to create my entry recently, but I do freewrites at least 2x a week. Silly me I am quite late to find out about @freewritehouse. I love freewriting as it improves my writing as well as to think speedily on my ideas. Thank you to @mariannewest who's instrumental for this community. I had invited some members to freewrite, though some of them are not totally active. I can't believe it though that I have been a part of #freewrite community since November. Thanks to @bloghound whom I saw posting her freewrite which led me to try it out. more power to all #freewriters and @freewritehouse!

29 @iyanpol12

You are in the drawing. Yes, you have been writing with us for a long time!! And a lot of writers from your country joined in because of you :) there will be a drawing every day - so, stay tuned.

Wow! This is exciting! I think I should spread the word about @freewritehouse. Also, if able I have something to help, I am willing to even in a simple way. Thanks.

Thank you so much!! Spreading the word of course is always appreciated. Voting on our posts helps -the more SP we have, the more we can support the free writing community. And if you know people who can give delegations, put a good word in for us :)

I'll give my 100% upvote next time. Or maybe there will be featured freewrite posts in the future.

My interest was piqued nicely in the build up to this by some great lead up build up by @mariannewest, the founder of the freewrite!! This looks like it's going to be great fun, and I am delighted to say I joined the Freewritehouse on day 1!! I'm really looking forward to seeing what it will become. Looking down through that list of 11 people, we are in the best hands. Each and every one of them have come and read my posts and left lovely comments and really helped me develop on my steemit journey so far.... I came here looking for crypto advice and found the freewriters and other really cool people from around the globe.. And the journey is only beginning...

6 @ablaze

Welcome to the Freewritehouse. Your comment qualified you for the drawing.
We are glad that the build up worked and you are here!! On day one! Yay!
Looking forward to many good times with you in the future.

Glad to see you here, punster!

Ha ha, hey man, thanks a lot! I love your Punday madness! I look forward to it each week!

Yay! In a few weeks, we plan to migrate the punday posts to this account, so make sure you tell all your friends! ;)

Nice one, I will indeed, it will be great to have everything under the one roof and easier to find.. Great idea

Though of course I hope you won't give up on following me, too ;P

Ha ha, of course not!!

@steemkeepers is dedicated to supporting the #freewrite community through upvotes and re-steems. Congratulations @freewritehouse...Steem on!

thank you for that!!!

I hope this isn't, like, a support group for people who have become addicted to freewriting? Because I, like, like freewriting and don't want to stop, ok? EVER. So if this is some kind of, like, intervention or whatever, I'm telling you right up front this is not going to work? But on the other hand, if this house is in support of freewriting and, like, the freedom to write freely, that we are all born with as tiny little babies, I'm all about it? Because if we all just gave babies the freedom to write, I mean really write, you know, like, put a pen in their chubby little fingers and a piece of paper in front of them, they would be like, Dostoyevski or whatever by the time they were like, 10?

31 @bennettitalia

You are in the drawing 😀 I love your comment! And I am with you! Let's allow kids to be free and they will do great things!

😅 thanks @freewritehouse! I got a lil' silly there fer a minnit...

Hahaha, yeah, I know, like, exactly, like, what you're sayin, like totally, @bennettitalia ;) . I know you were just joshin around, but, i have a habit of "writing like I speak" at times--sometimes it's obnoxious, and I have to go back--other times, it's intentionl, and I keep it bc i like it! Like, you know what I mean?? ;)) . Good to see ya, @bennettitalia!

lolo yes, I do! Colloquial writing can be frustrating or fun.... it was a thin line with this comment and I kept wondering if I'd crossed it XD

Good to see you too @gjones15 :D

Yes, colloquialisms! God, have you by any chance read the book Trainspotting? It's what comes to mind as sort of the quintessential example of a difficult "colloquially-written" text; or, "A Clockwork Orange--* similar idea; though, by the end of the former, it had became a good bit easier to follow; and a neat way to get the reader "immersed" in the characters and their situation...

Yeah.. it's surprisingly tricky to pull it off on the page, is what I noticed writing the above. Not to overemphasize the idiosyncrasies of speech patterns to the point of parody, but to incorporate them enough to make the voice recognizable. One of those things I think maybe writers often make look easier than it is!

"Don't go into the Freewrite House," my mother told me once. "Scary people live there. They like to give you things, called prompts, but it is just an excuse to get inside your head. They revel in the things that pour out of peoples brains, they laugh, and cry and thrive on the emotion."
"Really, mother dear?" I said, as I tipped the poison into her tea. "Really, you shouldn't go spreading evil lies about the Freewrite House. Or they will come and get you!"

My mother doesn't tell tales about the Freewrite House any more.

And neither should you.

You have been warned.

Good heavens! We live in a land of eternal sunshine, happiness, blood, death, toil, poison and rainbows!

Bahahahahah!!!! That was awesome! Love it. Upvote given, and even a follow, tooooo!!!!!!!

Thank you! :)


Of course you made it into the raffle.

We are so glad that you put that poison to good use!!!
DO NOT!!!!!!!! Mess with the freewriters! Ever!

Your swift actions are appreciated!!

How exciting to have our very own house and I think this will bond us even more. We couldn't be in better hands with our gracious hosts. Thank you all for your time and for putting this together for all of us, and the chance to win prizes is the cherry on top. My thought is that freewriting and Steem Basic Income go hand in hand. Both brings us together and both gives us support; which in turn helps us individually and the freewrite community to grow and prosper, on so many different levels. Singing...
Our Freewrite House is a very, very, very fine house,
Just open up the door, and your happiness will soar,
You will never be alone, in this fun and giving home,
Our Freewrite House is a very, very, very fine house!

27 @whatisnew

You are entered into the drawing. I love this song!!! And we need to get @simgirl here - there is talk about freewrite and songs and music. Just saying. Who knows what might be revealed in the next few weeks 😧 🤫

Your are not going to believe this...27 is my lucky number! There already is music to "my song." Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young wrote the music to their own rendition, but I am all for a different tune! : ) Thanks for the hint, it sounds like so much fun! : )

I love their version. And we could use it. Or????

Or...whatever else you have in mind. Go for it! : )

If I remember correctly, @freedomtowrite first introduced me to @mariannewest 's 5-minute freewrites . This has been a great exercise for me, and I've begun to get acquainted with some wonderful Steemians because of it. Some of these folks have invented @freewritehouse, and my interest is once again awakened. I'm not sure just what will show up in this kind of house, but as long as I don't have to clean it, I'd like to find out what's inside!

23 @scribblingramma

You are in the raffle. And welcome the the Freewrite House. No cleaning required. Ever!! We just burn it to the ground if it gets too dirty and pop up a new one lol. And ask @brisby what to do with dirty dishes - we use them as target practice. 😉

Y'know, I've always wanted to throw a plate at a tree and watch it break.

I'm so happy you have enjoyed it!

I still wonder what you have planned for us! Anyway I'm excited since I know all you plotters are dedicated to the freewriter community, and I have a chance to get basic income by being part of it? Even better!

What's inside the house? Tell me! No take your time, I'm just filling the words at this point. Well, should be 50 by now.

7 @celestal

Well, one thing we planned for you is to win a chance for a steembasicincome membership. That is a pretty nice thing to have.
And stay tuned. With time, we have all kind of fun things planed :)

@moneyinfant has added your contest to the list Steemit Writing Contests: Issue #49. The list is updated on a daily basis and your contest will remain on the list until its expiration - there's nothing you need to do.

The list was created to save writers the excessive amount of time spent searching through the #contest tag for writing contests. Now they can just come to the list each day, see new contests and use their time doing what they love - writing.

If you'd like to help spread the word about the Steemit Writing Contest List I'd really appreciate a resteem, but it certainly isn't necessary. The project is simply meant to help writers save time and contest creators attract more contestants.

P.S. If you know of any contests I've missed I'd love to hear about them. Thanks!

12 @moneyinfant

Thank you for doing this! You have been entered in the drawing because of all the support you have given us. Thank you!!!

Wow! That's so unexpected and generous of you. I'm just doing my bit to help promote writers initiatives here on Steemit. Thank you so much.

Nooooo! I have been beaten to this by @moneyinfant again (⋟﹏⋞)

I think it is time for me to come up with a writing contest of my own... (¬‿¬)

I'm looking forward to it, and yeah it IS about time LOL!

I write upside down, in the pool, sometimes in moving vehicles on the roof, rain or snow it don't matter I will build an igloo, dime for a dozen, pens and paper, get to work, #freewrite like hot coco early in the a.m. This post is like the ghost of a free membership, sailing away.

5 @nathanthewise

Your upside down writing ensured you an entry into the drawing. And remember - come back every day for another chance to win!

so judging by this post It seems like something I would seem very interested in.normally when I hear freewrite house I usually think of some reallity show with a bunch of writers.kind of like if jersey shore was a writing competition.And now I have the mental image of William Shakespear smacking Enid Blyton.anyway i really hope you like my comment and i also hope i win a membership.

24 @redeyedcyborg

You are entered in the drawing. If you don't win today - there will be many more chances in the next days and weeks. And I love

I have the mental image of William Shakespear smacking Enid Blyton

I'm excited! I have been refreshing the account's page every day to check out these news. 11 is a nice group and it is nice to see a lot of freewriters that I have become acquainted with to be there too!

Few days ago I posted my first Fiction short story as a contest entry for @byn, and although I am positive I stood no chance for winning, I only submit it because the #freewrite exercises have inspired me to go beyond my comfort zone. They have helped me think outside the box, both for my poetry and my new adventures in fiction writing (hopefully more to come).

I do hope I will find more time to do more freewrites again. These past couple of weeks I was a bit all over the place and have not been writing many freewrites (or poetry), but I do want to say how much I appreciate all that you do <3

1 @poetrybyjeremy

You are # 1

Thank you so much for refreshing and checking every day. You were our very first follower and you are the first qualified comment for todays drawing!!
So glad that you are writing with us. And don't worry - once a freewriter, always a freewriter. 😀

In the first two weeks I would be refreshing constantly for the freewrites. Now I wish I had more time (and mental energy) to engage in them. I'll challenge myself to do another one today. The weekends I will definitely keep on doing because they are the best and there is no way I will miss them!

The good thing is that they will be there for you to come back to. We all get busy and trying to turn them into a post can take more time.
Just so you know, you can always write them and post them as a comment if you really don't have more than the 5 minutes it takes to write them.
But it is all good. When you have time, we love to see you playing with us :)

That's true, they will be forever there in case I want to go back to them. It's more about mental energy rather than time, I suppose. I'm getting back in shape however :D

Sounds great! All good things are more fun when they grow into something better. I'm wondering if we can still do the five minutes freewrite as well as this house? The five minutes freewrite is good for me as I am such a slow poster. Also, we make our own post so that is good too.

I like the little map of the Isle of Write - very cool.

Thank you for making this a fun game :)


3 @deemarshall

Your comment qualified for the drawing.

The 5-minute-prompt will go on as always. And we always love it when you are participating.I am hoping that your contest will grow a lot!

Thank you. Right, that's good. I'll look forward to seeing how this goes next :)

What a fabulous adventure that we are about to embark upon. As I glanced over the eleven founders of the #freewritehouse, I see the most generous group of Steemians that I have met on this platform. These #freewriters would drop everything to answer a question or stop in to comment on my posts, to give me the encouragement to keep up with my daily writing. @taskmaster4450 turned me on to @mariannewest and #freewrite and I've been here ever since. The FreeWrite House sounds like a perfect place for a daily visit, a little advice, and even a joke or two. Thank you for not making me wait one more day. 😎

2 @wonderwop

Your comment qualified you for the drawing.
And you are welcome! I knew you couldn't stand to wait for another day 😜
Thank you for being such a great supporter fo the freewriters!! You are awesome!

Thank you. It's too much fun, to stop creating #freewrites. I'll be back later when my VP replenishes to upvote. 😉

Glad to find Free Write House. Looks like another amazing community that pops up from time to time while going through the Feed.

Much like Poetsunited. And Steem Basic Income. Two other groups that I recently joined. Won sponsorship from @belm. Sponsored others with @cleansingpoetry. Now this group.

From the Introduction makes me think of the Inlandia Institute writing group in Riverside, California. We would get writing prompts from Professor Ruth Nolan.

Included those writings in my new ebook Fear and Loathing in the State of Jefferson. Also featured Ruth on our podcast Get Behind Me, Now Stay There.

Been doing this since MySpace. Started blogging on Facebook comments. Like Steemit much more. Learning to be a Whale, ha ha.

Nice to meet you all.

32 cyemela

You are in the drawing. We are so glad that you found us! Yes, freewriting is not a new thing and I (this is Marianne speaking) and I have done that a lot in school as well. Hopefully, you will write with us and you will see that this is a really nice community which formed around the daily prompt (which will still come form my page)
Are you still in Riverside? We are forming a Southern California Group. would love to connect.
And good luck on your journey to be a Whale :)

Thanks Marianne. Looking forward to it. Live in Oregon now. The Inlandia Institute still runs the workshops and they've grown. You can find them online. Talk to Cati Porter about partnerships.

I will check them out. Also, another day's blog with a chance to win is up :)

My life has changed a fair bit in the last month. For the last 33 days (I counted) I have been up doing an early morning freewrite every morning. This has put some special meaning into the rest of my day. For that, I have to thank @mariannewest and a team of other senior freewriters. I have been encouraged, supported and led towards a love that I forgot I had from younger years.
With the Freewrite House I can see I site forming that will form a communication haven and incubus for new activity. How exactly will it evolve? I don't know. But like everyone else - I'm very keen to find out!

@mariannewest kept the warning off on how addicting freewriting can be :D <3

33 mysecondself01

You are in the drawing. We are so glad that you are writing with us!! And looking forward to many more free writing adventures with you!!

All the best @freewritehouse team I sure hope this project becomes a success and sure hope to start freewrite prompts again. Came here through @snook and hope to participate more often in your contests and other prompts.
I am familiar with steembasicincome and have sponsored a few. SBI really supports minnow like me and a lot of other people on steemit. I am also thankful to @mariannewest for having supported me a lot

34 sayee

You are in the drawing. We are so glad you found the house and are looking forward to many adventures with you. Freewriting and more.

This is a great idea. I like the concept that more people can gather informally and share a topic and come up with so many varying stories similar to the @mariannewest five minute freewrite, which I have become a big fan of. In my work finding, and coaching up newbies I have introduced these concepts to join in on, the communities are quite excellent! I am pumped that my pal @gjones15 let me know about this and I hope to participate as often as I can and wish all the luck in the world as I will pass this on to my friends and my fellow curation trail members cryptkeeper17 on steemauto!

36 cryptkeeper17

You are in the drawing. Thank you so much and welcome to the Freewrite House. As you know, we love community and of course, absolutely love your support. Thank you so much!!! Btw. I saw you left a message on the next prompt. Make it longer and get another chance to win a Steem basic income :)

This is exciting -- A freewrite house! Yeah, a freewritehouse! I have spent most of my early Steemit days doing @mariannewest's 5-minute freewrite. It is a challenge actually since English is not my first language. But because of this freewrite thing. I thought I am developing my writing skills more and more. You know, being able to convey my thoughts in a limited time. It is fun and brain-wacking at the same time. LoL.
I am so thankful I found it, all because of @iyanpol12.
Congrats to everyone behind this. It is a great opportunity you are all giving to the community.

28 @yadah04

You are in the drawing :). So glad that the freewrites are helping you. And we will want to hear more about that tomorrow for another chance to win a membership :)

Whoo-hoo! Fingers-crossed, murmurs 28 endlessly ^_^

This is so exciting! I joined Steemit by recommendation (and help) of my aunt @snook. I was told by her to check out the #freewrite community, and I did just that and fell in love. I have found a healthy outlet to help me destress my life and a way for me to express my feelings, thoughts and all the while form some amazing friendships. Everyone has been so helpful, caring and sweet and have really guided me to a better place. Along with all of this the daily prompts have opened up my writing and I have learned a great deal about myself and my writing through that. So, great job guys! And Great job to @mariannewest for running the #freewrites.

21 @bleedinheart

entered into the raffle. we are so glad that you are writing with us!!! And if it helps to destress - that is the very best!!

Hello Wonderful People of Steemit Freewrite Land. I am glad to have been introduced to this exercise a week or so ago by a fellow steemian, I know my buddy @cryptkeeper17 has participated, as well as of course of hostess, @mariannewest, who has so graciously welcomed me into the freewriting fold. And I have been enjoying every moment of it. This opportunity came at a time when, I think, writing per se, will be a helpful and even possibly.... successful endeavor for the time being--then again, as I like to say: we sall shee.

Thanks again to @mariannewest and all the other hosts; and now the new freewritehouse; I look forward to future prompts and prose. Good day. (*is that fifty words; I don't know if that was quite fifty words--seemed like it coulda been close to fifty. Let's just add a few more on here at the end to be sure--yeah--that should do it.)

22 @gjones15

It was 159 words :) You are in. Looking forward to many more freewrites and Participation in the fun we have planned for here.

Wow! Never thought of this! I knowing something BIG is gonna happen to the Freewrite... But not expecting it to be this big! A house... Yay! We have a freewritehouse to house every freewriter... This is so awesome. I never thought I would love writing this much. Well actually I am not really into writing until I meet Freewrite. Freewrite is one of the best challenge I have ever love and still loving Freewrite. tip! 💗💕💖❤️🎇🎆🎊🎉

25 @elizacheng

You are in the drawing and of course, in the house. We love you freewrites!! Thank you so much for the tip!!! What happened to the Chinese initiative? Invite them in - we have lots of room in the house 😀

Get ready to party!
You are most welcome!
I will check with @wilhb81 and @davidke20.

TGIF! Since it is Friday and I'm a little bit of slack, open up Steemit and saw @elizacheng's post on Day 146 Steemit is no monkey business. Give it a read and found that freewrite seems fun, dig more information at @mariannewest's account and do a quick trending/freewrite and massive awesome post! This is the first time I heard about freewrite and I hope I able to finish a post within 5 minutes!

26 @williamsyee

You are entered into the drawing. What a great day for you and for us that you opened Steemit!! So happy you are going to write with us and hang out at the Freewrite House for some fun and games!

You will definitely gonna enjoy this! This is an awesome family! And looking forward to your first freewrite!

I am so proud to be a part of this growing community! The daily freewrite was my first active community involvement on Steemit and to see you grow into your own space. Gosh, I'm stoked for everything you have planned and look forward to enjoying the prompts, contests, and community groove.

Just fifty-one words above this line. Didn't want to overwhelm anyone. 🤪

13 @ameliabartlett

You are in!! Don't worry, we are used to freely written freewrites and length doesn't scare us!! And we are in awe what you all have done on this platform!! Thank you for that!

I'm excited to learn more about Steemit Basic Income. I've seen the 'basic income' term tossed around with increasing frequency​ on the blockchain but I'm starting to get curious enough to get involved.

I came to steemit searching for a community, and @freewritehouse is exactly the kind of community I was looking for. I look forward to meeting some likeminded people, who care and support one another while honing writing skills. I am also looking forward to adding some freewriting to my daily word count goals. Thanks @freewritehouse

14 @ghostsinahatbox

You are in the drawing. Your name/handle gives me the feeling that you will fit right in with this bunch of freer than free writers. Welcome to the Freewrite House.

First of all,I want to thank @freewritehouse for fishing out for content writers and I hope they continue the good work. The work done by @freewritehouse is a process to pop out creativity from steemians and this is a great contribution to the steemit community. This is also an opportunity for quality writers to showcase their talent and the necessary skills for quality content. The rewards offered by @freewritehouse is also to encourage writers and I want to say a very big thank you to you guys for bringing such great opportunity to steemit.
I'm encouraged by @freewritehouse because I'm ready to join the team and also work for the group of @freewritehouse and steemit at Large.
Thank you

15 @majorsteemian

You are in the drawing!! Thank you for the great compliments and we do hope to be a place for creativity and fun. And are so glad that you found us and want to play with us!! Good luck!

I love fun, I'm all fun myself. I love the idea of a fun house. How I became a freewrite follower? . Saw it on @snook's post. I started following freewrite because this is what i do. I write freely, anytime i want, my words are mine. The name "freewrite" couldn't have been better than that. I'd like to work along with you guys because I love making new friends. I just gave myself a goal to meet someone new every week. Just came up with that today.. Lol.

16 @loladelolz

You are in today's drawing! Welcome to the Freewrite House. We will have all kinds of fun activities from here and you can always join the daily prompt linked in the post above.

The daily freewrite challenge was one of the first things that I got involved with on the Steemit platform and have made just over 35 free writes now if I remember correctly! Still plan to keep on working with it, as the free write challenge always encourages us to write even if we are out of ideas!

17 @snrm

You are in the drawing!! And welcome to the Freewrite House. So glad you and you wolf joined us 😄

Who's there?
May who?
May I enter the Freewritehouse?

I'm really not good at knock-knock jokes, but I thought it had to be something like this with this amazing new Freewritehouse, lol! So forgive my bad pun, I promise to never do it again ;)
I'm really excited about this and so grateful that you are putting this up (and also the daily Freewrites, of course), thanks so much! I feel like I'm starting a scavenger hunt on the Isle of Write, which is amazing :)

I love a good bad pun.

Haha, thank you so much!


the good bad pun opened the door to today's drawing and to the Freewrite House to you. Welcome and keep the puns and knock-knock jokes coming!

Thank you, I'll try my best - although I'm not sure if you're fully aware of the consequences, I mean, even I am not ;)

hahaha - we are ready for anything and everything lol

The freewrite community has just gained so much more strength! This is a really cool initiative and I'm happy to see that the community now has a figure head in the form of it's own account. This can only make the communities development and progression stronger.

I only began doing freewrites daily as a personal challenge to myself to write everyday but it has become something I wake up thinking about and I now get excited to check the prompt of the day once my brain has woken up from a nights rest. Amazing to see a simple idea growing into a strong community which only has room to grow :)

19 @maslowmission

You are in the drawing!! Did nobody warn you how addictive this writing fun can be? Now, you are hooked!! No turning back! the Freewrite House will always have its doors open to you.

Glad to have a support system around me that understands my addiction. Thanks for running this contest! Looking forward to the future :)

Wow, am glad i came across @freewritehouse, am already following the page, i believe something big is coming in the community.

One of the things i have come to realise in steemit which strengthens friendship is on reading and commenting on each other's post which i have also come across.

I guess i will have to do more on that!

20 @cherylsonty

You are entered in the drawing. Welcome to the Freewrite House. You got it! Reading and commenting and voting on others posts is the way to grow on Steemit. We are looking forward to you writing with us!

I tweeted the link but no image came with it.
@tea_in_carolina The Freewrite House is Open! — Steemit
Reading+commenting on each others #freewrite daily writing exercise morphed into a community of writers of all levels who have each other’s best interest in mind - now, to write 50 words to enter a contest? I'll leave it to the young writers to enter. What a cool concept! Writers tend to be loners but communities tend to be good, more often than not. Right? Write!

I believe that 'busy' have an issue with this. So when a post is posted on busy, when it is shared the picture is not embedded (learnt this through discord). Hopefully they fix it soon.

4 @carolkean

We all can use some income, right? Thank you for tweeting it - and yes, I just learned too that busy is having a problem - as always, I blamed myself....
tomorrow, we post from Steemit.

Hooray Freewrite House! I too freewrite. And I write to be free; free from fears, limitations, self-doubt and the plagues of the old risk-calculating mind. I freewrite in my house too. All of my writing is in-house, done by me. And although my writing helps free people, some of my writing isn't free. Because like most folks, I pay to live in my house. So am I really free? I can only write and see.

8 @stephenparato

Welcome to the Freewrite House. Your comment entered you into the drawing.

Who is free and who is not is one of those questions we can ponder forever and ever. Even if we think we are acting freely - do we really. So many things are influencing every decision we make and we have no clue.
So, we write. And we are as free as we can be. 😉

Thank you :)

The #freewrite Ideas had cleared my head and set me up to write again. I am excited to see members coming together to create this #freewritehouse, and applaud the creative minds behind it. The Love of writing is a powerful thing, so I'm excited to see what plans are in store for us.

9 @itworks4sierra

You qualified for the drawing. We are so glad that the #freewrite cleared your head and you are writing again. You will get lots of chances here!

I have my own blog and everyday write something there. At first, I convinced myself the writing alone satisfied me. Of course, I wanted feedback and not too many people found my writing. I struggled to keep going.

Then I found Steemit. What a community! I love the daily #freewrite prompts: they force me to write. And because people weigh in, I can improve.

I look forward to new fun and games in the @FreeWriteHouse.

10 @wordymouth

You are in the drawing!

Writing just for yourself can be fun too. But deep down, we all want readers. The Freewrite House is full of them!

I have taken the warning to heart and I'm not gonna mess with the FreeWriteHouse (or the FWH, or the feewhaeh, as it is called by those who feared too much and so became too little) It gives to people the ability to not fear the things that have always just sat there staring back into their face. The ability to soar - well okay, don't try to fly off a tall building and all, but you know what I mean. Sometimes when your brain is out and about, it does feel like flying.

39 dennisauburn

You are in the drawing. Welcome to the Freewrite House. It sure does feel like flying sometimes when we have so much fun writing :)

I think this is exactly what I need! I have plans for all the posts I've wanted to do but life has been so busy I haven't had time to finish them - but a 5-minute freewrite? I can do that even if I have to mash it in between other things. Like tonight I can sneak it in between finishing up the website for our non-profit Bowl-a-thon and sleep. Or tomorrow I can steal a few minutes away from the nerf club my son attends...I can definitely handle that. Thanks for doing this and motivating me to make the time to write when everything else seems to suck my time away.

30 @ntowl

You are in the drawing. Glad you will be writing with us. You will have fun!!!

I saw this just now and had no idea this was coming 😊 I think this freewrite house is a wonderful place and your spirit of acceptance of anything and anyone just as they are even made me comfortable enough to actually do those freewrites.. Something I never thought I do myself. @mariannewest you do much for many and gives them a place to write of anything they want and in Anyway they want.
A freewrite with ❤️ I would say!
Keep being just as you are and thank you for doing this for your writers. I hope I will do another freewrite soon.... Lol Happy Friday!

37 saffisara

You are in the drawing :)

Thank you so much for your kind words. love and ❤️ is a big deal in the Freewrite House and that is why you fit in so well!!! We love you and can't wait for your next freewrite 😘

Aww... My heart melts 😊 yes heart is really the right description of this freewrite and its amazing writers and the support for each other. Love you to for everything you do and are ❤️

37 saffisara

You are in the drawing.

The last comment was just eaten by the weird thing going on with Steemit today :( Love you and all you do!!!

This is very exciting! When I've checked for the daily prompt, it's been such a tease to see "big things coming soon!" Haha

I started the freewrites in December when I officially started Steemit. In fact, it was the first tag I explored, thanks to my husband's, @freedompoint, suggestion! I've met so many wonderful people, and I'm excited to see them on the list of creators for @freewritehouse!

The freewrites have made me so much more confident and comfortable sharing my thoughts and words. I'm shamefully addicted! Haha

38 freedomtowrite

You are entered into the drawing. There is no shame in being addicted to the freewrite 😂 we actually highly encourage that!! 😉 Remember to come back every day for a new chance to win. The next post is already up!

Yikes! I'm behind! Haha

First time I would come across the freewrites community and sincerely I can't wait to get on board and ride with you guys. Freewrites would serve as a new home of inspiration for me thanks to the great minds behind this great community . freewrites is an opportunity to write more.

@feebie we are so glad that you came by. Your comment is 7 words short. Please edit and write one more sentence so we can enter you in the drawing. You have about 24 hours from the time of this comment. But if you don't get to it, the next post has another chance.

Done, really grateful for the opportunity.

35 feebie

Well done! 50 words! You are in :). Looking forward to reading more from you. Welcome to the Freewrite House.

Thank you

This is awesome. Glad inheard about it. We will share thos with our communoty members and participate ourselves

Welcome to Steemit @freewritehouse!

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

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Introbot is hosted and managed with donations from @byColeman to help make your journey on Steemit be truly rewarding. Your feedback is always welcome so that we may improve this welcome message.
Oh yea, I have upvoted you and followed you. Many blessings from @introbot & @bycoleman

Welcome to the community. Creativity is contagious... pass it along. - Albert Einstein

Thank you for the welcome. Your comment does not qualify for an entry to the drawing. You can still edit if you wish.

The fun has just begun, this is going to be big, really big! 👍 🚀

it will be - and not 50 words :(. 😂

May the spirit of freedom, friendship and equality always boost the sails of the freewrite pirate ship! Cheers to the @freewritehouse!

I'm very proud to be part of the #freewrite adventure since day 1 (altough I attended only 56 times because of the problems of life), and I'm even more proud to see the "creature" taking life after so much plotting!

Please, don't enter me in the draft. I wanted only let a comment, I would leave the chance to win to others :)

You all know how I love the freewrite and the community. It has made Steemit.....Steemit to me. They are one and the same.
I'm So happy to see the page finally up and running and can not wait for all the fun we will all have @freewritehouse.
Thank You @mariannewest for starting all of this and keeping it going through sheer will alone and a WHOLE bunch of LOVE thrown in. hugs

Are you playing for a win? or just commenting? 😘

sorry just commenting <3

We love you, Snookie 😘

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