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RE: Hey guys! I'm just your average 16 year-old teenage boy who aspires to be one of the MOST sensational internet stars in this era!

Welcome mate! And good for you dude, I'm a bit older but I really respect your attitude!

Wish you all the best with your mission!

(And Sword Art Online is one of my favourite animes too! :P)


Thanks for support bro! SAO is without a doubt one of my favourite animes too! I'm so hyped about the new SAO series(movie? Idk hahah) that'll be released this year!

It's so good! First couple of seasons are the best though imo. I'm catching up on Attack on Titan now, you watch that?

I'm not really a fan of action animes hehe. Especially Attack on Titan cause that anime is a little too gore-y for me haha