I'm New Here, Just Introducing Myself


Hello everyone! I am new here on Steemit. I was referred by a friend who noticed I like to post a lot on social media. I am also new to cryptocurrencies, but it definitely seems like this is the way of the future!

Here's just a little bit about me:

My name is Michael, and I was born and raised in Louisiana. I'm 28 years old and single (ladies... lol). I am currently an app developer for IBM, but I would love to one day create my own online empire. Of course, in doing so, I want to bring the best value possible to others and help them achieve their goals. The way I see it, the best way to success is to help others get up to the same level, and beyond.

As for what I would like to accomplish on Steemit, I want the very same. I play several instruments (and some most people never heard of, like the shakuhachi), and I would like to try and teach all I know about music to others. Music just seems to bring about a certain level of happiness in my life that just cannot be found in most other things. In addition, I plan to post some of my poetry, philosophy, opinions, and anything that I may encounter which may be generally informative. What are some of the things you would be interested in?

I must say that I am grateful to have found Steemit. I have just had an account for a few days now, and already I have been able to read some very interesting and helpful things others have written about. I love the sense of community here. We certainly live in incredible times, huh? We have the ability to communicate instantaneously with anyone from anywhere in the world! Not only that, but we have access to virtually unlimited information.

I would like to say thank you for everyone who takes time out of their day to read this. I look forward to meeting you, sharing ideas, and just having fun. Take care, and I hope you have an epic day!


Welcome to Steem @graywolf1989 I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Thank you very much, I really appreciate that!

Hi, I'm George. Welcome to Steemit. Feel free to interact with people, ask questions where you are confused and make friends. Here in Steemit, we love each other as family.

Hey Michael! big welcome :) Hope you'll enjoy it here! See you!

Welcome to Steemit! I hope you have a great time using this platform. Be sure to check out Steemit.chat-it's the official chat for Steemit and you can create a new free account to use it.

welcome to Steem....from India

Welcome to steemit.I wish you success here.I look forward to your best work.Nice to meet you.Greetings 🤗 spirit

Nice to meet you, @graywolf1989! Welcome to Steemit!

Thank you so much, and it is nice meeting you too, @god-is-love !

Nice to meet you, @graywolf1989! Welcome to the Steemit Community, wish you good luck and a good start, ive send you a small tip and followed you, hope you have an amazing day! :)

I really appreciate that so much! It's nice to meet you as well, and I've followed you too!

Welcome, Michael, I wish you success here! (Shakuhachi sounds Japanese to me - but you're right, I've not heard of the instrument, so I'm probably wrong!)

You’re right, it is Japanese! And thank you!

Welcome to Steemit. Do you play any games, or do you just code? Most coders play games... I've been doing IT work for 20 years, but I've hated it the entire time. The pay is great though, so I suppose I cannot complain too much, right?

There are a ton of other webpages to help you with Steemit. Here are some of the best for beginners:

https://steemd.com/ (This site is used to keep track of your voting power and other stats. You do not want to run out of voting power, and you only get so much per day. I keep my voting power around 80% for example.)

https://steem.makerwannabe.com/ (This site will tell you who follows you, who unfollows you, and who mutes you. It is great for meeting new people too. I regularly check it to see who has followed me to see if I should follow them back.)

https://steemit.chat/ (This site is the official chat webpage for Steemit. There are Discord channels too, but I usually stick to the official site. Come in to network and meet new friends. You can directly message people there too, so it makes it easier to communicate with your closest friends.)

Oh yeah, there are a lot of bots on here. If you see a cookie cutter reply, especially to your intro post, it is almost certainly a bot. Check the account's reputation. If it is low, I would recommend just ignoring them. Everything is public on Steemit, so you can go look at an account's comments and replies. Are they all the same? It's a bot.

Adding photos to your account as a new Steemian may be confusing at first too. The easiest way it to click to "Submit a Story." Once in there, use the built in Steemit tool to upload an image from your computer. Below the posting window, you will see "Insert images by dragging & dropping, pasting from the clipboard, or by selecting them." Click on the blue text. Once the image is uploaded, you can copy and paste the link into your account settings.

Verifying your identity is very important because it will get you more support and people will trust you more. The best way to verify is to link back to your Steemit account by using another public social media account. For example, I posted my Steemit articles from here through my Twitter account. Another person posted their Steemit information on their Facebook account. Some people will even post a video of themselves writing out their account information since that cannot be Photoshopped. The more famous a person is or the more valuable their content is, the more important it is that they verify. If a new account falls within those two categories and fails to verify, it may get blacklisted.

Again, welcome, and I've followed you! If you have any questions about getting started, look me up on the chat site.

Thank you so much for the information! I’m excited to get started blogging and meeting new people!

You are very welcome! If you have any questions, let me know.

I play games and write code. I’m still trying to learn how to use Unity to make games. Hopefully one day I’ll have an indie game out there on the market!

Michael, welcome to Steemit!

Thank you so much! I'm following you now.