Introduction: I am a Malaysian Chinese full time working Mum who is on an amazing journey called life

in #introduceyourself6 years ago

Hello Steemians!

Mother's day 2017.jpg

My name is Khim and this me and my little family! I am from sunny Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The home of nasi lemak (Malay fragrant rice dish cooked in coconut milk and pandan leaf), roti canai (a type of Indian-influenced flatbread) and teh tarik (pulled milk tea)! These are simply my favourite aside from a good dark chocolate bar and freshly brewed black coffee!

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Teh Tarik

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Roti Canai

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My Mum's own version of Nasi Lemak!

I thought that I would start this year off by ticking off one of my list of goals this year which is to immerse myself in the blockchain and crypto community by doing something that I enjoy. Writing! Whilst really new to Steemit, I have been on the Blogger platform since 2014 and you can check out my blog at I started writing simply to remember my journey as a new Mum back in 2014 and decided to continue writing and sharing my experiences with my 2nd pregnancy and delivery. In 2015, I started to write about personal and family finances as I was determined to become more financially independent especially since we have two little boys and aging parents to care for. I felt that I wanted to share my passions and hopefully help many others like us in Malaysia. It was also then when I first discovered bitcoin whilst reading personal finance blogs.

It was love at first read! I was intrigued by the concept of bitcoin and blockchain. I starting reading voraciously and researching everything I could find with whatever spare time I had. I took a whole 9 months before I made the move to purchase my very first bitcoin on the 15th of August 2016. Life got a lot busier with a baby and a toddler, however I started to learn a little about trading bitcoin and I discovered altcoins! So this is altcoin year for me! I am hoping to be able to contribute to this wonderful community and continue to advocate for more widespread knowledge, understanding and adoption of blockchain and cryptocurrency in Malaysia. What better place than to start on STEEMIT!

I hope to be able to travel a lot more over the next few years and homeschool my little boys. We generally love the outdoors and when not going for runs or exercising at the gym, we take our little boys to the beach, the park and shopping malls! I am into all kitchen appliances, my Nespresso for morning coffee, making bread with my bread maker and experimenting with my dehydrator making fruits snacks and fruit rolls. I am also learning to live a more simple life, naturally and healthily. Our projects this year includes starting our own vegetable garden and growing a papaya and banana tree.

Hubby runs our family business which is the coin operated laundry shops and I work full time in recruitment and HR. Our home church is SIBKL in Phileo Damansara. We are dog lovers and currently have three dogs, two of which are strays that came to our home. Bolt, Skippy and Kape are our four legged children. We have actually saved a total of 3 dogs but we lost our beloved Christmas due to old age (our chow chow stray) in June last year. Bolt (a husky stray) recently joined our family in September 2017.

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Bolt! The super hero dog (according to my 3 year old)

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So this is me and I am so looking forward to 365 new connections & friendships, experiences & learning, opportunities & adventures in 2018 and beyond! Once again Happy New Year 2018 and may this year bring you all a wealth of happiness, love and prosperity for you and your loved ones!

Thanks for reading!



Welcome to Steem Community @khimgoh! As a gentle reminder, please keep your master password safe. The best practise is to use your private posting key to login to Steemit when posting; and the private active key for wallet related transactions.

In the New Steemians project, we help new members of steem by education and resteeeming their articles. Get your articles resteemed too for maximum exposure. You can learn more about it here:

Hi Kim, you can #teammalaysia in future. So we can help each other upvote the post. Also you can search steem malaysia group at fb. Welcome to steemit and happy steering.

Hi Michael thanks for the info and welcome! Excited to be part of the community!

Welcome to the steemit community from me @adimulyadi from indonesia, i hope what you share and post is available in this steemit paltfrom. do not be saturated to work through every input available and get paid according to your work. welcome my return best for you friend

Thank you @adimulyadi for the wise words.

Welcome to the Steem @khimgoh.
Chai (tea). I can smell it :)
Upvoted and followed. Keep steeming

Thank you so much for your encouragement!


Thank you so much! Happy New Year!

Welcome to Steemit, Khim. And at the same time, Happy New Year!

I hope they will go hand in hand for you, and that both this year and your adventure on Steemit will be successful.

As a writer, you're sure to have lots to offer to this platform. As long as you produce high-quality posts of appropriate length, you're sure to attract readers and followers.

Of course, it will take time and effort on your part (basically by writing and curating content by other Steemians). But the time and effort expended will surely pay off.

Best of luck to you and your family. And Full Steem Ahead!

Thank you so much for your encouragement. Still so much to learn!

Thank you will definitely check it out!