Introduction Post

in #introduceyourself4 years ago (edited)


I was thinking how to start writing my first blog and then i decided to just go for it.


I am a 28 years old lawyer climber girl who loves everything about literature. I studied English Literature and Language at Istanbul University for 3 years and i feel so happy now i have a place where i can practice my passion without boundaries.


I will be writing about the things which excites me like arts, literature, science, blockchain or a nice meal i had that day. I really don't want to put any limitations on topics. Since writing itself excites me a lot i hope this will be a lovely journey for me. While i go and try to explore my writing skills i hope you find things that you enjoy in my articles too.

Since i started already i want to share the place i am writing this article in ;
Chado Cafe located in İstanbul, Beyoğlu


If you ever come to Istanbul, Beyoğlu you should definitely stop by this cafe. It has a selection of 50 different tea types. If you are a tea person like me you will enjoy this place a lot!

It also has a place where you can work, study or write your blog :)


Have a good day or night, wherever you are my fellow hive friends :) Thank you for taking your time and read my first post!


Welcome lalakhes!
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Welcome to Hive @lalakhes. I look forward to more content from you. I lived in Albania several years ago, so very familiar with Turkish culture, but haven't ever managed a trip to Turkey yet.

I am also a former mountaineer/climber, but those days are perhaps long behind me now. Feel free to ask any questions about Hive in general. Things can be a bit confusing initially, but the learning curve moves very quickly.

Thank you so much, i will!
I have always wanted to visit Albania too, my mothers side is immigrants from Bulgaria :)

Welcome to Hive, @lalakhes!
I wish you success and fun here.

thank you, i couldn't write earlier i didn't have enough hive power!