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RE: Introducing The Greedy Vegan

Hello, Jodie, and welcome to Steemit.

I've been seeing more and more vegans on this platform, and by now I think you're the 6th that I've followed in the past few weeks. Hmmmm, makes me wonder. (You're the second one today.)

Re your comment about "not missing out, but adapting," that is so true. For 4 years, I lived in India, where the norm is vegetarian, with the alternative being "non-veg" – i.e., those wierdos (like me) who eat meat.

Often in India, there were so many more veg choices, and very little meat. I'd go for days without eating any meat, and hardly even noticed. All the food (veg food, that is) was delicious and of course hearty and nutritious.

So when someone says they "need" meat to feel strong or just to feel satiated, that's like a Japanese person saying they "need sushi." That is, they don't, and it's nonsense.

Anyway, I look forward to reading more interesting posts from the greedy vegan. Leave some for us!!


I love that!! It seems like it's becoming more and more popular so quickly, people are slowly becoming more open minded to it which is great. Even if people just ate vegan for one day a week, they would make such a difference :)

Thanks for the support!