My first post - my introduction


Hello steemit friends around the world, the first post I want to introduce myself.

Introduce myself, my name malik, my steemit account @meutuahradja. I am the first child of four siblings, I am married and have a very handsome and cool son in our little family, so every day in my spare time after the activity outside, we always take time to our son. My education, I went to elementary school at SDN 7 Paya Punteuet, my yard, and then I continued my education at junior and senior high school in Modern Pesantren Misbahul Ulum Paloh, which is a boarding school based on Religion, I completed two levels of education for six years , then I went to college level at STAIN Malikussaleh higga finished in English Teaching study program. I have some hobbies that I often do on every occasion like reading various literacy and literary history as well as novels, I also like traveling, soccer and badminton.

For some of my steering friend's introductions, I hope to make a new contribution in steemit. Hopefully my steemit friends can help me, because I'm new here.

regards @meutuahradja


Welcome to Steem Community @meutuahradja! As a gentle reminder, please keep your master password safe. The best practise is to use your private posting key to login to Steemit when posting; and the private active key for wallet related transactions.

In the New Steemians project, we help new members of steem by education and resteeeming their articles. Get your articles resteemed too for maximum exposure. You can learn more about it here:

Welcome to steemit!
I am a bot built for the purposes of welcoming new users! I know that steemit may seem very overwhelming to you right now but don't worry. There's a learning curve to everything so just be patient and you'll be churning out posts and becoming a part of something great in no time!

Also if there are any questions that you may have, then just ask your questions on any of my blog posts or in a reply below and I'll be more than happy to assist you with whatever questions you may have! I will also be creating a basic starting out guide for all minnows and newcomers on my blog so do give it a read as that might help answer many of your questions!

Have fun and I wish you LOADS of success on here! :)

Also. you can call upon originalworks whenever something you post is your own content like this: @originalworks


thank you for all your suggest, kindness and your wish, hopefully that I learn as much as you can teach me about steemit later.
thanks alot.

Hello and welcome to steemit!
You'll find a very diversified community around here. Don't hesitate to look around and follow blogs talking about things that interest you!

For my part (@m0glie) I love to talk about politics, economy, sociology and things like that. I hope you'll be interested in what I write and you'll pass around to discuss a bit :)

Have fun around!!

thank you very much, I'm soo glade to hear that, talking about politics and sociology makes me interest to hear thats alot from you :)
thanks alot !

Nice to meet you @meutuahradja🙃
Welcome to Steemit!
Try to get a profile picture and cover image using my tutorial!
I follow you!

thank you welcoming me in steemit, and I'll follow you too then also I'll try to get my picture profile trought your tutorial.

Welcome to Steemit!
I followed you if you would like to then follow me back😀

thank you for welcoming me in steemit, sure that I'll follow you too, then hopefully your guide and support.


Welcome to join Steemit hope you enjoy it and can work in a world full of colorful, greetings from me @trizwansyah79 for you and success continue in the future.

thank you for welcoming me in steemit, hope fully your guide and support for me!

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