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Looking forward to hearing more from you and yeah copywriting tips should be popular and I'd like to learn some. The way the world works now it seems that success online comes from mastering one very specific field and filling up that niche. But that's not me. I'm still all over the place.

For example this morning I woke up with an idea about writing books on kimchi because that's one of the things that I know really well. But tomorrow I'll probably want to write about ice cream or poetry or folk music. Hard to keep me focused. That's probably because I spend the work day with kids that can't focus and I use anything to keep them focused from puppets to tongue twisters and silly songs.

I'd like to write more about culture shock and how it was when I first came to Korea but it's been more than twenty years and the stories don't pop out like they used to. Every once and a while something triggers my mind and I remember how tough it was. Now I've gotten quite used to it and actually have more trouble when I have to do something back in the States.