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Pretty cool video Nandi- Bear! Glad to see that you and the crew are keeping hydrated up there on the towers in all that heat. Everybody needs a can of pussy sometimes. Even Nandi-Bear probably enjoys a can now and then! I think the music helps tie together the fact that your taking a drink break and also promoting a tasty beverage. You should tag it in advertising as well. Great post, and I hope to see you and Nandi-Bear again real soon!!

Thanks @jamie-smith for your kind words regarding the video review of the Pussy Energy drink!

We do our best keep hydrated at work in the heat. I'm happy to read that you liked the music background audio in the video. I will try to make more videos soon!

welcome Nandibear:) I hope you enjoy here as much as i do ! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me !

Thanks @mekong! Did you like the video?

Welcome to Steem @nandibear I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Thanks @bottymcbotface for the tip!

Beep beep. Hi @bottymcbotface! I am @tipU - a service designed to make sending tips super easy.
I also share my profits with the users ;) Click here if you wish to learn more!

Thank you for letting us know about your service which purportedly makes sending tips much easier.

Yeah, that is the idea - I'm missing this feature on so I made my own :)

welcome to Steemit @nandibear I do hope that you will have a wonderful time on this platform, if you have any questions or if there is anything I can help you with do not hesitate to ask, I will be more than happy to help.
Please Follow me @Fshllc so that I can be able to see and read your posts, I will comment and upvote the ones I like :)
Let's stay connected and support each other by following, commenting and upvoting each other's posts because together we are strong!

Hi @Fshllc thanks for offering to answer any questions that I might have regarding Steemit. I really appreciate people who help others.

Thank you for the follow @nandibear, I am happy to help :), I am glad to be connected to you on Steemit.
Check out a blog that I just wrote, I look forward to your feedback by commenting, I find you like it you can upvote. Resteembot if you think your audience will find it beneficial. Have a wonderful day :)

This post received a 2.8% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @nandibear! For more information, click here!

Thanks for your upvote @randowhale I really and truly am grateful!

Welcome to

Hey @yemima, thank you for the welcome!